Chapter 3

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Flowertail felt her hackles rise as she glared up at Bramblestar.

He strolled over, completely ignoring the fury Flowertail sent his way.

"Nice to see you again." Bramblestar dipped his head to Icepool.

"Not now." Icepool hissed, her gaze flickering anxiously to Flowertail.

Flowertail felt her pelt prickle as she stared at both of them.

"Why not?" Bramblestar turned to Flowertail. "Doesn't she know already?"

"Shut up!" Icepool growled, her claws unsheathed.

Bramblestar flicked his tail dismissively at Icepool. "She's been helping me." Bramblestar raked Flowertail with his amber eyes. "Didn't you know?"

Flowertail felt the soil crumble beneath her paws and wished it would swallow her whole. "Y-y-you lied to me." Flowertail felt her anger swallow up the bitter hurt she felt. "You lied to everyone!"

Bramblestar began grooming himself calmly while Icepool stared silently at Flowertail, her expression a mixture of apologetic pain. "I-"

Flowertail felt her fury build up until she could hardly breathe, and her chest hurt when she did. "I don't-" She tried not to choke on her words. "I don't want-"

Flowertail gave up and whirled around, storming through the forest, and trying not to trip over tree stumps and bushes in her wild haze.

I can't trust anyone.


Shadepaw looked up from where he was wondering how in StarClan ShadowClan cats could even stand digesting frogs as Icepool padded back into camp, the fur along her spine ruffled.

"How was the meeting? Is there anything happening in ThunderClan?" Shadepaw mewed.

Icepool shook her head. "The meeting was fine, and the only thing happening in ThunderClan is that there's a few new loners." Icepool sighed wearily.

"Are you okay?" Shadepaw gazed worriedly at Icepool.

"I'm fine, just tired." Icepool flicked one ear as she padded towards the den that ShadowClan had allowed them to sleep in.

"Are you sure?" Shadepaw pressed.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Icepool snapped, her tail tip twitching irritably.

Shadepaw blinked at her as she disappeared into the den, confused.

Was something wrong?


Moonpaw padded beside Jayfeather and Alderheart on their way to the Gathering. Bramblestar was at the head of the group, with Flowertail at the back. Moonpaw suspected she hadn't been supposed to hear Flowertail mutter, "As far away from Bramblestar as possible," as Flowertail took her place.

Moonpaw tried to ignore the butterfiles in her belly as she followed Bramblestar along with every other cat.

It's tonight.

Moonpaw glanced over at Flowertail, who was trudging along at the back with her usual annoyed face as she glared at everyone.

I just hope Flowertail can even forgive me.

Bramblestar crossed the tree-bridge and leapt onto one of the tree-branches alongside the other leaders.

"Let us begin." Bramblestar nodded. "My medicine cat, Moonpaw, has had a vision."

Moonpaw felt Jayfeather's blind, blue gaze flash to her along with the other medicine cats.

"Moonpaw, please tell us about your vision." Bramblestar continued.

"StarClan hasn't been speaking to any cat." Harestar interrupted. "Why would they speak to an apprentice?"

"They spoke to Shadowsight when he was an apprentice." Bramblestar countered. "Moonpaw, please tell us about your vision."

Moonpaw swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "I-I had a vision. It showed me a flower, and when I tried to touch it, it stabbed my paw with a thorn, then it shriveled up."

There was a silence in the clearing, then Crowfeather yowled, "What does that have to do with any of the Clans? This doesn't sound like a dream from StarClan at all."

More uproar burst from the cats, but the worst one was the flaming glare from Flowertail Moonpaw got as she sat back down, her ears flat.

((/: A.N: Aaaand that wraps up the chapter! Nothing like a cheerful betray to start off a story, right? I got this idea when someone commented that Icepool was perfect. And y'know, I just couldn't let any of my characters be perfect and not have some stain on their record, right? Right? Okay, I probably sound like some evil person who just wants to ruin all of her cats lives, I should probably stop talking.


~Jade XD

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