Chapter 13

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"Wait, what?!" Flowertail gaped at him. Scourge died ages ago! Is he still alive?

Menace scuffed the ground with his paws nervously. "Err...yeah. I know it's a lot to take in, but-"

"What's a lot to take in?" Moonpaw interrupted, squeezing through the bushes. She glanced from Menace to Flowertail and smirked. "Oh, I see what's going on here, y-"

"No, no, no. It's not like that!" Flowertail glared at her.

"We're just...talking." Menace added.

"So are you guys mates yet?" Moonpaw asked eagerly.

"Shut up. We're not mates. Do you seriously think I'd take that mouse-brain as my mate?" Flowertail raised her brow.

"Hey! I'm not-" Menace started. "Okay, I was kind of mouse-brained to not notice Moonpaw."

"See? He admits it. Now what did you want?" Flowertail demanded.

"Well I was just interrupting your moment because-"

"That was not a special moment." Flowertail snapped.

"Okay, okay sure, sure." Moonpaw rolled her eyes. "So there are two visitors who are looking for Menace and Bramblestar ordered me to come get you two."

"You'd think I would've guessed Bramblestar was going to interrupt." Menace muttered as he followed Moonpaw.

"What did you say?" Moonpaw asked.

"Oh, nothing." Flowertail told her, then mumbled to Menace, "Call him fox-dung."

"So you don't think of me any differently?" Menace asked hopefully.

"You're still the same mouse-brain."Flowertail nudged Menace playfully. 

Menace's eyes shone sincerely. "Thanks Flowertail."

Moonpaw stopped outside of the camp entrance and started grooming herself. "If you two are done being cluelessly in love-"

"We are not in love and I'll show you clueless." Flowertail growled and unsheathed her claws.

"Flowertail, make good life choices, make good life choices." Menace muttered. "Moonpaw, please leave before Flowertail claws you."

Moonpaw snorted then padded through the camp entrance, and after a moment, Menace and Flowertail followed after her.

Bramblestar was sitting under the Highrock, his tail-tip twitching impatiently, and his searing, amber eyes glaring at Menace. 

In the center of the clearing, two she-cats were standing awkwardly, the younger of them with golden-red and black fur with dark blue eyes, and the older one with round green eyes and a smoky grey pelt.

"Maple! Little bird!" Menace cried out happily, touching noses with them.

"This is your sister? And that's your mother?" Flowertail asked curiously, coming to stand beside Menace.

Maple eyed Flowertail. "It's good to know you were so worried about me you got a mate."

Menace flattened his ears. "Good to know you're still picking fights with the first cats you see."

"I'm not his mate." Flowertail hissed flatly.

"These are your kin?" Bramblestar demanded, his eyes narrowed.

"Err...yes." Menace murmured. 

"We'd like to join ThunderClan." Little bird mewed, her eyes warm as she blinked at Menace.

"More of them?" Thornclaw muttered disdainfully, and Flowertail hissed at him. 

Bramblestar scowled at the two cats for a few seconds, then sighed exhaustedly and turned to pad back to his den. "They can join."

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