Chapter 12

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((/: A.N: Credit to @BubbleGumCat2010 for suggesting the name Maplefern, which will be Maple's warrior name :) Also sorry for the huge break guys! (Wow, everybody's shipping Menace and Flowertail in the comments lol) 

"That sounds ominous," Flowertail remarked drily.

Menace flicked his tail and shrugged. "I guess. Well you see-"

"Flowertail!" Bramblestar yowled.

I am going to claw off that piece of Fox Dung's ears and feed them to badgers.

"Yes, Bramblestar?" Flowertail asked, trying not to grit her teeth.

"What are you doing?" He demanded.

Oh you know, talking, living, breathing, being a normal living cat. "Eating." Flowertail replied instead.

"I want you to go on a border patrol." Bramblestar's eyes narrowed.

Of course you do. Now of all times. "Okay." Flowertail agreed, trying not to twitch her tail in irritation.

"Can I come?" Menace chirped.

"No." Bramblestar glared at him. "You can help clean out the dirt place."

Flowertail almost choked on a bite of her food and just managed to bite back her laughter. As soon as Bramblestar padded away, she stood up and winked at Menace. "Have fun."

Menace rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure." 


Flowertail stretched, her fur smoothing as she sat down outside of the warriors den. Menace hadn't stopped complaining about having to clean the dirt place, and Flowertail found it hilarious.

"If only you were an apprentice." Flowertail sighed mockingly. "Then I could make you clean out the old bedding for the elders too."

Menace scowled at her. "It's not funny. Bramblestar just doesn't like me."

"Welcome to the group. He doesn't like anyone." Flowertail snorted. "So what were you trying to tell me earlier?"


This is getting old now. I swear he's doing it on purpose.

"What is he going to ask you now? To do the ticks for the elders?" Menace scoffed under his breath.

"Did you see anything unusual on patrol?" Bramblestar questioned.

"No." Now go away.

"Good." Bramblestar huffed, then after a few seconds in which Flowertail could have sworn he was trying as hard as he could to think of something for her to do, he marched back over to the leaders den called Bristlefrost over.

"Before Bramblestar thinks of something ridiculous to talk about, start talking." Flowertail snapped.

"Right." Menace shuffled his paws nervously. 

When he didn't say anything, Flowertail raised her brow. "Did you lose your tongue or something?"

"No, I just... come on. Let's go somewhere else to talk about this." Menace got to his paws, blinking expectantly at Flowertail.

"Where are we going?" Flowertail asked suspiciously once they were out of camp.

"I'm moved by your trust and faith in me." Menace scoffed. "Here." He stopped under a tall, thin birch tree, sitting by its roots. "I don't want anyone else to hear us."

Flowertail eyed him for a few seconds, then sat down a few tail-lengths away from him. "What is it that you're making this big fuss about? Just tell me who took Nyx and why."

"That was Nyx's mate."

Flowertail gaped at him. "Excuse me?"

"He killed one of Nyx's kittens, so me, Nyx, and Maple all snuck away from him."

"That's horrible." Flowertail stared at him. "Who's Maple again though?"

"My other sister." Menace replied quickly. "We lost her along the way."

"She died?!"

"No, no." Menace widened his eyes, then looked away. "She just went hunting and didn't come back."

Flowertail blinked at him, surprised and confused by the rush of something in her.


"I'm sorry." Flowertail mewed quietly after a few seconds.

Menace's pelt spiked and he glared at Flowertail. "She's not dead! There's nothing to be sorry for! She...she'll catch up with us soon."

"Right." Flowertail agreed, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Anyway, Little Bird helped us escape-"

"Who's Little Bird?" Flowertail interrupted.

"Little Bird That Soars, our mother." Menace replied. "Anyway, she helped us escape, so-"

"Her name sounds like one of the Tribe cats." Flowertail meowed. "Is she a-"

"Firstly, no but she used to be, secondly, stop interrupting me so I can finish before Bramblestar comes for you." Menace finished sarcastically.

"Who's your father?" Flowertail asked curiously. 

Menace looked away, and for a few seconds, Flowertail thought he wasn't going to answer.

"Scourge. Scourge was my father."

((/:A.N: Credits to @BubbleGumCat2010 for the name Little Bird That Soars! Just gonna drop that chapter on y'all cheerfully. Wow. Anyway, see you all next time!

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