Chapter 10

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Flowertail was in the medicine den.


Only, this time, She could feel another cat lying down next to her in the nest. Confused, Flowertail blinked sleep from her eyes, and her gaze flickered in surprise when she saw Moonpaw curled up in the nest next to her.

Flowertail poked Moonpaw with her paw softly. "What are you doing here?" Flowertail whispered, although her voice came out rougher than she'd meant to. 

Moonpaw yawned. "You're awake."

"Wow, I didn't notice." Flowertail snorted. 

Moonpaw's ears twitched and she studied her paws. "I was afraid you weren't going to wake up. No cat could get you to open your eyes."

Flowertail blinked in surprise. 

"Menace came in here, and he looked really guilty." Moonpaw continued.

Flowertail narrowed her eyes and her tail-tip twitched. "He'd better be."

After a pause, Flowertail flicked Moonpaw's ear with her tail. "Sorry I scared you."

Moonpaw's jaw dropped. "Did you just apologize to me? Am I dreaming? Please don't wake me up."

Flowertail snorted and cuffed Moonpaw around the ear. "How's that for dreaming?"

Moonpaw batted Flowertail's paw away. "Watch out or you might find yarrow in your herbs next time." She purred.

"How long has it been?" Flowertail asked.

"Forty moons." Moonpaw replied gravely.

Flowertail shot up in her nest. "What?!"

"I'm just joking!" Moonpaw's amber eyes gleamed in the darkness.

"That was not funny." Flowertail mewed, fighting to keep her voice stern, even though this strange, warm feeling was bubbling in her stomach.

"It's been two days." Moonpaw explained. "Bramblestar almost exiled Menace."

Flowertail rolled her eyes. "What a surprise."

Truthfully, Flowertail was surprised Bramblestar hadn't made Menace deputy; surely getting rid of her was what he wanted?

"Has he exiled anyone else yet? Perhaps he exiled someone for catching the wrong mouse?" Flowertail asked sarcastically.

"Frankly, I haven't." A deep rumble growled from the entrance of the medicine den.

Speak of the fox-dung he appears at the worst times-

"Fox du- Bramblestar." Flowertail narrowed her eyes, refusing to acknowledge him anymore. 

 Bramblestar glared coldly back, and an icy silence cracked through the den.

Then, ever so discreetly, Bramblestar flicked his tail outside of the den, where Menace was sleeping in one corner of the camp with Nyx's kits.

Flowertail felt her throat tighten.

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