Chapter 19

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Flowertail tried to discreetly avoid Menace for the next few days. The expression on his face had been terrifying, even though she would never admit it, and she couldn't help wishing she'd followed Maple and Cliff and hadn't seen him

Menace had noticed though, and she could feel things growing awkward. Maple didn't bother trying to hide her glee about it, and Cliff seemed over the moon as well.

Great. Just great.

So Flowertail had busied herself with as much hunting as possible. This had gotten harder to do though, as she constantly felt herself feeling dizzy or nauseous. To add to all of that, Flowertail had started missing home more than ever, and she found herself constantly worrying about her kin. 

Even Icepool, whom she was still angry with for working with Bramblestar, managed to find her way in her worries. Shadepaw was still hiding in ShadowClan with the rest of the exiled ThunderClan cats as well, and Moonpaw was living with crazy Bramblestar, who was probably furious that Flowertail had run away.

What if he tries to punish me for leaving ThunderClan by killing some cat? 

So overall, Flowertail was just having the greatest possible time on this trip. 

"I'm going hunting." Flowertail mewed.

"Again?" Maple snorted.

"I'll come too." Cliff suggested eagerly.

StarClan save me from this cat.

"I want to come." Maple meowed immediately.

And that cat too.

"I might as well come then as well." Menace added slowly, avoiding Flowertail's gaze.

"I know the best hunting places." Cliff puffed out his chest. "I can show them to you if you want."

Maple perked up immediately. "Sure."

"But I was talking to-" Cliff started, but Maple had already padded ahead.

Leaving Menace and Flowertail alone.

How absolutely wonderful.

They sat there in the grass for a few seconds silently, neither of them saying anything.

"I should hunt." Flowertail told him abruptly.

"Are you...angry?" Menace asked her before she could pad away.

"Angry? About what?" Flowertail responded, trying to stall.

"Angry with me." Menace answered.

Flowertail paused. "...I don't know. I guess I was just surprised when I saw you like that, is all. You looked so...angry."

"..." Menace looked away and Flowertail blinked. "I didn't mean it to offend you, I just-"

"No, I understand. I do look kind of creepy sometimes." He joked.

Flowertail snorted in response. 

"Didn't you two catch anything?" Maple snapped, bothered, as she marched over with Cliff and two plump rabbits in her jaws. Cliff carried a mouse and two voles behind her.

"No." Flowertail's tail twitched. "You seemed to have caught plenty."

Maple paused, scrutinizing Flowertail for a few seconds as if searching for an insult in her words, then she shrugged. 

Flowertail raised her brow.

"You didn't think I was going to say thanks, did you?" Maple smirked and padded away.

Flowertail rolled her eyes and just took one of the voles to sit down and eat. She paused just as she was about to take a bite out of it.

Her vision seemed to flash for a second, her paws turning all black, and a stream of slight yellow swirling around her paws.

Her vision seemed to flash for a second, her paws turning all black, and a stream of slight yellow swirling around her paws

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Then, just as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. Flowertail blinked, utterly confused.

What just happened?

((/:A.N: Aaaand two chapters in one day for y'all so far. Sorry about not updating for a while, and I hope I can make it up to you guys :D Now time for a lunch break.

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