Chapter 8

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Flowertail yawned, exhaustion weighing heavily on her bones. She'd completely forgotten about the secret meeting last night, and besides, spending time with Menace had been a much better use of her time.

Nyx was due to give birth soon, although Flowertail knew neither Menace nor his sister wanted to leave ThunderClan; they'd grown attatched and Menace was a good hunter.

Besides, I don't want them to leave.

Flowertail stretched, trying to loosen her stiff muscles. 

Brambleclaw had gone out to hunt, so he wasn't there to be a piece of fox-dung, and Flowertail wasn't sure if she was supposed to feel relieved he was gone, or annoyed that he had to come back at all.

As if she'd summoned him, he padded back into camp.

Speak of the fox-dung.

Only, to Flowertail's utter delight, he had scratches running across his flank, and blood trickling down them.

"What happened?" Berrynose gaped at him, sounding more curious than concerned.

"Five warriors attacked me." Bramblestar puffed his chest out triumphantly. "They are all dead."

Flowertail glared coldly at him and didn't bother checking on him as Moonpaw guided him to the medicine den.

As if he needs help because of a few scratches!

"Hey, you!" Berrynose narrowed his eyes at Menace. "Go get prey for our leader."

Menace shrugged. "Sure, if your paws are too tired, I'd love to help you out."

Berrynose's hackles lifted as he scowled at Menace. "Are you calling me lazy?!"

Menace blinked innocently at him. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Berrynose snatched a plump vole from the fresh-kill pile and dragged it to the medicine den. "Try calling that lazy!" He yowled through his mouthful.

"That was actually pretty smart. It's good to know your head isn't utterly made of fluff." Flowertail snorted.

Menace placed a paw dramatically over his chest fur and got up on his hind legs. "Oh Flowertail, my feelings are so hurt!"

Flowertail reached out with one paw and unbalanced him until he fell back down. "You're such a kit."

Menace grinned. "At least I'm smarter than you."

"As if."

"Anyway, do you think Bramblestar will be alright?" Menace asked.

"I sure hope not." Flowertail rolled her eyes.

Menace studied her carefully. "You really don't like him, do you?"

Flowertail stood up. "I'm going hunting."

"I'll go with you." Menace offered.

"I want to go alone." Flowertail's words came out  sharper than she'd intended, although Menace didn't flinch.

"Okay." He agreed slowly, his gaze narrowed. "But-"

Flowertail didn't listen to whatever he was about to say and hurried out of camp instead, her pelt fluffed out.

She tracked Bramblestar's scent and found a few cat's bodies, including Stemleaf. Following the edges of where they'd fought and caught Icepool's scent behind a clump of bushes, along with a tuft of her fur.

Flowertail's blood turned cold.

She'd found it hard to believe Bramblestar would be able to kill so many warriors, but this possibility was even worse than Bramblestar being extremely strong.

Icepool had betrayed everyone and was helping Bramblestar, but would she really...

Flowertail swallowed a lump in her throat.

Would she really murder cats for him?

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