Chapter 1

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We walked to the gym. I smiled at him. Damn, I love him so much. I put my lunchbox on the stage. We sat down together. David looked at me with a smirk. Oh boy, what is it now? Caleb looked at me like we were crazy. "Emma, should I tell him?" he asked with a mischievous look on his face. "No!" I shouted.

He leaned towards Caleb. No, no, NO! I thought to myself. "Fine, I'll just tell you." David looked at me, shocked. "I like this eighth grader... some kid named Jaycob Santos," I blurted out sheepishly. As soon as I said that, his eyes darkened.

"I knew it," he said, looking at me with worry and disappointment. He looked down, not sahing anything else. "Don't get me anything for Valentine's Day. There's no point..." I interrupted him, yelling, "NO! I WILL!" He shook his head.

Princia looked at me disappointedly. "What are you doing? Come here, Emma." I reluctantly listened to her, and she dragged me along. "I don't even feel like doing anything..." I whispered.

Once we got far enough away, she asked me again. "What are you DOING?" I zoned out for a second, looking back at him. He still looked really disappointed. She said it again. "What are you doing, Emma?" I shook my head. "It's not my fault. It's his fault!" I shouted at her. "I forgot how much of a jerk he was," I said, hiding back tears.

"Yeah, Emma. You should've known. You guys were dating for a month, and now y'all are breaking up? C'mon!" I shook my head. "We were never dating. Did he ever actually go on a date with me? No. Are we adults? No. And, I guess I forgot he was such a jerk...." I said, staring into the distance. I zoned out again, and I honestly forgot what else she said. If she even said anything else.

"I'm disappointed in you, Emma," she said with a worried look on her face. "Well, I mean, he was a jerk..." I said, trying to dismiss everything at this point. I didn't even wanna talk anymore.

The bell rang.

Tears welled in my eyes. I tried to wipe them with my sweater, but it was no use. I looked like a crybaby. Everyone stared at me like I was crazy. They don't know how I feel, I thought to myself disappointedly, as I walked upstairs.

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