Chapter 6

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Jaycob looked at me expectantly. What? His hand reached out for me. We held hands. Wow. This feels so weird. A good sensation. Ah. Feels even better when it's with your crush. I smiled immediately.

"How strict are your parents, Jaycob?" I asked him. "Oh, well, you might actually have to sneak in at night. Actually, I'll give you my phone number," he said. I nodded. "Okay," I said, pulling my phone out.

We stopped walking. I opened up the keypad on my phone. "Ok, what's the number?" I asked. "551-824-2745." I quickly typed the numbers on my phone. He then took my phone. "I'll just take a quick pic." Once he took it, I set that as the contact picture and poster. "Thank you." He smiled. "No problem."

We kept walking and we crossed the street. Before we knew it, we reached my house. "Alright, I'll see you later, Jaycob!" He waved goodbye.

When I got home, I flopped on my bed, not even thinking if there was homework or not. I hope not.

I woke up a few hours later. I checked the time. 11:00. Maybe I should text him if I should come over now. So I pulled out my phone and called him. After a few seconds, he picked up.

"Hey, Jaycob."
"Should I come over now?"
"Sure! Just be quiet because my parents are asleep."
"Ok see you later, Emma!"
"Peace out."

I made sure to tiptoe and carefully leave the house, because my parents were sleeping, or perhaps trying to sleep. I tried to quietly open the door. It made a loud noise and I flinched. Luckily, my parents didn't hear. Somehow. Walking with slippers on concrete felt weird. I'm lucky that his house is only a few away from mine.

I reached his house and very lightly knocked on the door. He opened the door. I walked in and he closed the door.

"Hi!" I whispered. He hugged me tightly and I did too. We tiptoed over. "There's a bed for you too," he said. "Thank you for the sleepover!" I said.

That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

*this chapter doesn't mean anything bad plz it's not like that. I'm not dirty minded, it's just a sleepover 😭*

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