Chapter 26

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"This is actually really bad, because my birthday is in two days... on a school day!" he said. "We could just skip school, you know," I said. "That's true," he said.

"Well... what if we sign up for school sports? If we couldn't do local ones, maybe we can sign up for ones for the school?" He nodded. "Sure!" he agreed.

I looked at my phone. My stomach started to feel uneasy, as I realized that I didn't know where to go. "I don't really know directions, do you?" I asked. He nodded. "Of course, Emma! How do you think that I used to get to school on my own?" he joked. I giggled.

"Actually, the school's very close," he said. "Just two blocks away," he said. "Oh, wow," I said. "Alright."

We walked away from the grass patch. A romantic memory, left behind. But I'll always remember it...

Eventually, we reached the school. "Um, Jaycob, there's just one problem," I said worriedly. "What?" he asked, with the same worried tone as me. "What if the school's closed?"

"Nah, there should be janitors there," he reassured me. "You sure?" I said. "Pretty sure," he said, dragging the word pretty out. I nodded. "Alright."

"How will we get their attention?" I asked him. "Hmm... you have a louder voice than me. Maybe you could scream, I don't know," he said, not really sure. "Alright. Or maybe we could just knock." Then I shook my head. "No, actually, probably not. The material of the door..."

They must have heard us talking, because one of the security guards opened the door. "Who's making all this fuss out there? You guys are trespassing. You know you can get arrested for that?" Jaycob's eyes widened. "We can get arrested?" he asked, shocked. "Well, depends," the security guard said. "How long have you been here for?" he asked with a stern voice. "Like, what, a minute or two?" I said, looking at Jaycob for confirmation. He nodded. "Ok, so a minute or two is fine," the security guard said. "But still, why are you kids here?"

Jaycob answered for me. "We wanted to register for some school sports," he said. Then, the word "sports" must have made me remember my eye injury. I completely forgot it, and honestly, I don't know how. How could I forget? It's a bad injury. Will the security guard mention it and say that I shouldn't play because of it? Well, even if so, I'll prove it to him that I can play. I'm strong... right?

The security guard nodded. "Alright. Lemme just go and get someone who knows sports for you guys, okay?" he said. We nodded. 

We seemed to be waiting for a while, before a younger man came to us, perhaps 26-30.

"Hey, what sports do you guys want to register for?" he asked. "Baseball and football," me and Jaycob said at the same time.

"Ok," he said. "Come here and let me show you. Just sign this document explaining a few things..."

We both took the papers.

"1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you have any disabilities?
4. Do you have any major injuries?
5. What sport would you like to play?
6. Anyone you would like to play with?
7. Positions that you would prefer (for baseball and football)
8. What days would you prefer to play?"

We both silently filled out the papers. I wrote:

"1. Emma Wood
2. 12
3. No
4. A few scars all over my body, my toe does not have a toenail, a huge injury under my eye
5. Baseball, football
6. Jaycob Santos
7. First baseman, Right Field, and DH (baseball), Wide Receiver, Quarterback, Running Back (football)
8. Monday, Tuesday, Friday (considering weekends)"

Then I peeked at Jaycob's paper, which he put:

"1. Jaycob Santos
2. 14
3. No
4. No
5. Baseball, football
6. Emma Wood
7. Second base, third base, shortstop (baseball), Wide Reciever, Quarterback, Running Back (football)
8. Monday, Tuesday, Friday (considering weekends)"

Jaycob looked at me with confusion lighting his eyes. "Uh, Emma, where do we give the paper again?" he asked. Then, the sports man immediately took the papers. "To me," he said.

We both nodded.

"Ok, your first game will be tomorrow," he said. "Tomorrow we will give you your gear, uniforms, and all that good stuff. Ok?" he said.

"Yeah," we both said.

The annoying security guard came again. "Ok. Y'all done? SHOO," he said, waving his hands.

We both ran away.

I checked my watch. 8:00. Time flies.

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