Chapter 9

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"Alright. So I'll start with what happened a few months ago. So, around late October, early November, me and him started to warm up to each other and we were friends again. Not like we used to, obviously... we weren't 'dating,' obviously."

"That's good," she said.
"Oh, but wait," I said. "There's more to it."

"And we were really good friends for a while until quite recently. Perhaps.. three weeks, two weeks, give or take. I have a crush on an eighth grader and so word got around somehow... and once Caleb figured out, he got really mad... even though me and him weren't dating? It's really weird. And now everyone knows and I'm getting way too much attention and I hate it! How do I get them to stop?"

She thought about it for a moment. "Let's tackle one thing at a time. So.. why's he mad at you again? You talked a bit quickly there."

"Oh. Sorry. He's mad at me because I have a crush on an eighth grader."

"That's weird. Well, both you and me know based on our last exchange that he's not the best person in the world..."

"Yeah. True."

"A stupid reason. But he's not the brightest person ever, you know?"


"So, don't do what you did last year. Don't become friends with him again. Third time won't be the charm."


"Now, let's talk about the next thing. So you said that now your 'secret' is spilled now?"


"Can't have been much of a 'secret.'"

"But I never told anyone. I literally never did."

"I don't know what to tell you, then. You must have told someone! Maybe you forgot that you did."


"Well, try to ignore the people. Do you want Jaycob to come and comfort you?"

"Sure!" I said without hesitation.

"Ok. I'll go and get him then," she said.

I patiently waited, my heart beating really fast. When's he gonna come? It seems like he's taking forever! Then I heard his sweet, calm voice in the hallway.

Mrs. Caas knocked on the door. I opened it.

He walked in with a smile on his face. "Hey, Emma."
My heart instantly warmed, my eyes widened, I blushed, and I said, "Hi." He hugged me and ran his hands through my hair.

Mrs. Caas waved goodbye to us. "I'll leave you guys here. Tell me if you need anything. Bye!" she said, closing the door in on her little room inside the bigger room.

He hugged me tighter. "So, what happened, Emma?" I cried of happiness and love. "Well.. all these kids saw me and you.. and.. they won't leave me alone!" He fixed my hair. "Aw, it's ok. Don't listen to them. They're jerks." I started to cry a little bit again. "You know I'll always be there for you... right?" I smiled. "Y-yeah.." I said, crying more, tears mixed with love, happiness, and sadness.

"Do you need me anymore?" he asked.

"Well, I want you to stay for as long as you can," I said. "I still don't feel ready yet."

He fixed his loving gaze on me, full of compassion. "You'll be okay. Just.. just think of me when things go south. Okay?"


We hugged each other for what seemed like forever.

"Is that the bell for lunch?"

"Better not be," I said.

"Damn it. It is," he said.

"I'll see you later, okay, Emma?"

I stopped crying. "Bye, Jaycob... and thank you for being here."

"Of course, Emma. You are the best girl I've ever met. You're beautiful, smart, kind, funny.. everything I could ever want. You've made me feel so better after my breakup... I should actually be saying thank you to you," he said.

My heart melted. "Aww, I love you Jaycob!"

"Goodbye," he said.


We both walked in opposite directions to get to lunch. He was going outside, and I was going to the lunchroom. We waved goodbye one last time.. and he blew me a kiss.

That was magical.

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