Chapter 19

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Over the next week or two, my cuts, wounds, bruises, and hand marks had somewhat started to heal, though now they were many scars on my body that would never fully heal.

And now, it was spring break. A whole week to ourselves.

I looked at Jaycob. He still hadn't woken up.

I picked up my phone and looked at my emails. Maybe I have new ones... I thought. Lemme check. 70 new emails. Jeez! What must be so important now? The emails were mostly scam, but the most recent one piqued my interest.

"Join our new baseball club today! Locally in New Jersey. Boys and girls can join! Age limit is 17."

A baseball club! Wow! Me and Jaycob could join that.

Jaycob's eyes opened. Must be from the light of my phone screen. Well, this'll be a pleasant surprise!

"Hey, Jaycob!" I said. "Hi," he said weakly. "Still tired?" I asked. "Ye," he responded. "What time is it?" he asked. "It's.. 10:00," I said. "Listen. There's something that I need to tell you!" He lifted up his head with barely any energy. "What?"

I looked at him excitedly. "There's.. a local baseball club! What if we joined their spring training?" His eyes instantly brightened. "Ooh! Sounds cool!" he said, jumping out of his bed. "Sure!"

I smiled. "Yay!"

"When does it start?" he asked curiously. "Like, 20 minutes!" His eyes widened. "Emma, we'd better hurry up!" He rushed to the bathroom.

He got out quickly, wearing a simple black shirt with jeans. "Had to pick something out quick," he said. "Ok," I said. "I'll go get changed now."

I walked in and quickly picked out some clothes. Hmm... I don't really have much time to think. Um... maybe.. just this pink shirt... and some black shorts. Keeping it simple.

I walked out of the bathroom. "Alright, let's go!"

We walked for a while, and we couldn't really find the place. "Um.. Emma, can you, like, check your email? What if we're going the wrong way—"

"Oh, never mind, here's the place!" I said. "You're saved," he said, giggling.

Then, we saw someone people in line. Someone who we absolutely despised.


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