Chapter 7

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I woke up. "Hey," he said, hugging me. "Hi," I said to him. "Wanna walk to school together?" he asked. "Sure," I said back. "But I don't have any clothes to wear. Is today a dress down?" He nodded. "Yeah. You can wear blue, I believe." I nodded. "Alright. I didn't bring any clothes with me though. Does your mom have any, perhaps?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I'll check though. Stay there, okay?" he said. "Ok," I responded.

A minute later, he came back with some clothes. A blue shirt, black leggings, a bra, all of the basic things. Luckily, there was a bathroom inside of his room, so I went in to change. "I'll be right back," I told him. He gave a thumbs up.

Alright, now just time to put the clothes on, I thought to myself while looking in the mirror. Woah, I look beautiful for some reason! Before, I never looked this pretty! I can see why he likes me. I finished putting the clothes on and walked out. He had his clothes on too.

"Wow, you look so good!" I said to him, smiling. "I could say the same about you," he responded while smiling back and hugging me.

I checked the time on my phone. "8:20! We should get going," I said. He nodded. "Alright. Let's go. We should be careful though, my parents don't know about you being here," he said. I nodded. Mine too. I'm surprised that they haven't caught me in his house yet, though I mean, I'm all for it. I want this to last as long as possible before I get in trouble. If I get in trouble, honestly. We're quite sneaky and pretty good at it, to be honest.

We walked out the door, holding hands. When we walked past my house, I got a rush of anxiety. Damn, I better not get noticed. "I hope that my friends approve of this," I told him, a tear falling out of my eye. Jaycob then comforted me. "Aww, it's alright. I don't feel very good either. I'm glad that you're here for me, Emma," he said reassuringly. "Thanks, I am too!" I said back to him as we crossed the street.

Then we walked past Princia's house. I saw the door open and my heart stopped beating. Oh no... is that her? She's not gonna like to see this!

She ran across the street and hugged me. "Hey, Emma!" Then she took a second look at me and gasped. "Wait. Emma, who's this you're with?" she asked curiously. I blushed. "Um, don't worry about it," I said back sheepishly. Damn, this is kinda awkward. "Oh, hold on, I forgot to feed Simba, gotta go!" she said. "Bye," I said, waving to her.

Glad that's over, I thought to myself.

"Emma, who was that?" Jaycob asked me. "Oh, um, that was my friend Princia, she just doesn't know you," I told him. "Oh, okay," he responded.

We walked across the street really fast. Luckily, the kids that are usually there (Zaaki, Josh, Rayan, Emily) weren't there to see us. We walked in to the school quickly and avoided everyone we saw. "What are we gonna do, Jaycob?" I asked him. "Well, I mean, we could just... um... maybe we should go for little food?" he asked.

"Sure," I said. We just gotta avoid everyone and not make it look super weird.

I checked my watch. 8:30. Alright. We should hurry up. Once we got to little food, we sat down. Jaycob looked at me. "I'll pay. It's ok," he said reassuringly. I smiled. "Thanks, Jaycob," I said happily. I love him so much...

"I'll buy a brownie for you, okay, Emma?" he said. I nodded. "Sure!" He gave me the brownie. I bit into it. "Wow! This tastes really good! Thanks, Jaycob! I love you so much!" I said to him. He smiled. "Me too," while we exited the store.

When we entered the school, we walked to the seventh graders. Caleb looked shocked. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "Emma! WHAT? YOU AND JAYCOB ARE HOLDING HANDS?" He yelled so loud that everyone heard. Everyone got up, even the quiet girls, and gathered around us in a huge circle. I heard many random voices saying things such as, "Huh?" or "What?" or "Really?"

Jaycob looked at me awkwardly. "I gotta go. Sorry. Bye!" Are you just gonna leave me here?

Oh no...

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