Chapter 24

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My thoughts darted back to Tyler. I shouldn't be focusing on him, just what I'll do next. And what will I do next? I looked up at the sky. Birds. Flying in the sky, with no knowledge of what I was going through. They just flew in the sky, so carelessly...

I was getting carried away. Thinking about things other than Jaycob. I looked at him. But he was looking at the sky as well. We both seemed mesmerized.

He must have noticed me looking at him, because he made a low mumbling sound. I looked at him again. He had reached out his hand. My heartbeat sped up rapidly, and I blushed, butterflies flying in my stomach. My hand shook, and I reached it out.

Our hands were held together, in a perfect moment. I cried a little bit, and I barely managed to get out any words. "I... love you, Jaycob," I said, nearly silently. But he heard me. "I love you, too," he said, shifting closer to me on the bench. Closer than Caleb had ever sat next to me. I'm so glad that Jaycob got closer. Caleb is so nasty.

The incident earlier today must have happened for a very long time, because the sky was already filled with stars.

Then I looked behind us. The park. It was a huge patch of grass, and no one was there.

Then in my head, a beautiful daydream unfolded. We both laid down together, gazing at the stars together, and then we both looked at each other and shared a kiss. Then I wouldn't even realize the time and it would already be late. Then we would fall asleep cuddling each other.

Perfect. Perhaps I should ask him. Oh, yes, this'll be PERFECT!

"Hey, Jaycob, what if we go to that grassy patch of the park?" I asked him eagerly, pointing to the place I was talking about. He turned around. "Sure."

We both got up quickly, still holding hands. "Well, how are we going to get in?" he asked me. Oh no. Is the park closed? "The park might be closed," I said with a worried tone. "But I guess we can check," I said, as we rounded the chain-link fence.

We checked the first door. Locked. "Great start," he said. I sighed. "There had better be another door," I said, clearly not in the mood, and I rolled my eyes. As we rounded the corner, I walked past a door, not noticing. "Oh, Emma, take a look!" he said. "Oh, yay!" I said, smiling, my mood changing in an instant.

We both walked happily to the grassy patch. My heart started beating really fast; butterflies started to regather in my stomach. My stomach felt weird with anticipation. Not a feeling that I felt very often, really only when I had to go to the guidance counselor or something bad like that. But this isn't bad...

We both skipped to the grass. Skipped. My thoughts went way back to before me and Jaycob were friends (well, in a relationship, really), and when I was jealous of him and his ex. What was her name... Kermina? I didn't really care to know anyways, but I remembered when Maryam told me how they always skipped when they walked, and how they laughed. Was it fake laughter? No. They genuinely seemed happy. Well, maybe I should ask him. But it's too soon...

We both flopped onto the grass, right next to each other. I didn't even get a single moment before I felt Jaycob somewhat aggressively pulling me close. He pulled me so close that we were face to face. I blushed. It was the closest I'd ever gotten to him. Or anyone. He blushed too, and hard. We both seemed like we didn't know what to do for a second, so innocent, so pure. Just a 12 year old, and a 14 year old. So cute and innocent.

We waited a few seconds, before Jaycob decided to lean in and kiss me. My heart seemed to explode with happiness, and my lips suddenly felt really soft. Holy shit, I thought. This feels amazing.

He hugged me and we cried of happiness. "Oh, Jaycob, you're perfect," I said. Then, I whispered, "I can't get enough of you." He smirked. "Oh, you haven't seen it all, trust me." He hugged me hard, and I hugged him back.

Then, we both fell asleep beside each other.

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