Chapter 8

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...this is bad, I thought while looking nervously at all of the kids surrounding me. Um.. what do I do? This is so embarrassing, but it isn't even my fault. I sighed. "CAN Y'ALL GET AWAY FROM ME? LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed. I think that my scream echoed across the hallway, because everyone heard it, and they all ran away. Why do I gotta have to scream all the time though? I thought, rolling my eyes. Oh my gosh, what's gonna happen when I get into class? I thought. Well, I guess I'll find out. The bell rang. Damn it. What's gonna happen now? I'm just done at this point.

I walked into class. Everyone gathered around my desk. "Hey, Emma, who was that you were with?" they asked. I shook my head. "I'm not gonna answer anything," I said, banging my head on the desk.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.
"Are you alright, Emma?" they asked.
"I'm not because of you guys!" I snapped back.
"Just leave me alone..." I said.

We lined up for our classes and Jaycob smiled at me and waved from across the hallway. I blushed and weakly waved back, my hands shaking. I can't handle this anymore... I should probably go to the guidance counselor... I thought, my stomach hurting because I wasn't confronting anyone about my mental problems. The same thing happened last year... I went to the guidance counselor. But now the situation's completely different.

Alright. Time to ask Mr. F.

I went up to the teacher's desk. "Hey, um, Mr. F?" I asked. "Yes, Emma?" he said. "Um, can I go to the guidance counselor?" I asked. "Sure," he said. "Which one?" he asked. "Mrs. Caas," I answered. He nodded. "Okay. You can go. I'll ask one of your classmates to take your books to the next class, which I believe is language arts." I nodded. "Okay, thank you!"

I practically ran out of the door. Oh, everyone's about to line up. I gotta hurry up! I reached Mrs. Caas's room and I knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard. "Alright," I said, opening the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Caas," I said, waving. She waved back. "Hello, Emma! What brings you here?" Oh... well.. how do I even start? Suppose I should start talking about me and Caleb not being friends anymore...

"Come here, take a seat," she said, leading me to her room. My legs shook. "Ok." I took a seat.

"Ok, so a lot has happened since we've last talked."
"Alright. Tell me," she said.

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