Chapter 13

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Jaycob watched the situation intently. He pressed his body against me to the wall. "Hey, Emma. Could we be friends?" I looked at him, shocked. Friends? After you wanted to...

A flashback occurred in my mind.

Princia ran to me. "Emma! I have bad news." I tilted my head. "What?" She screamed. "There's this kid... my ex... his name's Tyler. He wants to... he wants to rape you!" My jaw practically dropped. "What? Rape me?" She nodded. "Yes. He wants you to 'get the children ready.'"

I felt as if worms were crawling inside of my stomach. I didn't know what to say. He locked eyes with me. "I can answer for you," he said. I froze. "Ummm." Why is this so weirdly difficult, though? I feel like I'm forced into saying yes... but how? How does he do it? How is he such a good manipulator?

After a very long, awkward moment of silence, Tyler finally spoke. "Fine. If you're gonna be so stubborn now, we'll just settle this later." A chill ran through me. "O-um..okay.."

Jaycob looked at me reassuringly. "Come on Emma. Let's go." I nodded. "Wanna come to my place?" he said. "Sure!"

Luckily, it was right near the school, so we got there almost immediately and there really wasn't a need to walk that much.

Once we got to his house, he asked me, "Wanna chill on the bed?" I looked at the time. "Actually, it's getting pretty late.."

But I was interrupted. My phone started ringing.

"Hmm. Who's this?"

Hey Emma. Don't ask how I got your number.
But I will find you.
Who are you?
What are you gonna do?
You'll see 😏

"Jaycob! Look at this! He texted me this!" I showed him my phone.

Hey Emma. Don't ask how I got your number.
But I will find you.
Who are you?
What are you gonna do?
You'll see 😏

"Wow... that's... concerning," he said. "But it'll be alright. I'll calm you down." I trembled. "But... how?" He caressed my hair. "Emma, you know that if he even were to lay a finger on you... I would strike him back. I'd... I'd die for you."

My eyes widened, and tears welled up in my eyes. "You... you'd really do that.. for me?" He smiled. "Of course, Emma!" My eyes brightened, and my heart warmed. I felt this soothing feeling in my stomach. "Thanks so much!" He smiled and held my hand.

This feels amazing!

Suddenly, there was knocking on the door. My heartbeat stopped.

Is this Tyler?

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