Chapter 22

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I looked at him weakly. "Guess I'll go to sleep..." I said. He nodded. "Yes, you should," he said. "Well, this is about to be the worst spring break ever," I said. He frowned. But it is true, right? "Word. This bouta suck." I sighed. "I mean, really, what will we do, Jaycob? There's not much I can do with my injured eye," I said. He thought about it for a moment. "Hmm, I don't know. I'll think about it and I'll tell you tomorrow. Okay?" I nodded. "Alright. Good night, Jaycob. Love you," I said. He smiled. "I love you too, Emma."

I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow. The words kept ringing in my head like the school bell. Except this bell was keeping me from going to sleep. Thoughts raced through my head. Wait. What if.. what if the worst thing happens? Well, what will I do? There's nothing I can do. Then, what if Tyler or Caleb comes overnight? No. Maybe not Caleb. His parents are mad strict. No. Nonetheless! What if Tyler comes? What if he didn't learn his lesson? What if I don't wake up here? What if I wake up in Tyler's sheets? What will I do then? Will I be forced to break up with Jaycob? Will Tyler attempt to rape me again? Will he succeed in doing that?

Shut up, I tried to tell myself. I knew it wouldn't work, but it was surely worth a try. And, hey, it kinda worked in the end.

Somehow, I feel asleep. Well, actually, not quite.

                            -Dream Sequence-
Hard. Soft. Quick. Slow. Pain. Words were flashing through my head. Is this a... dream? I thought as I saw Tyler. Tyler? What's he doing here? Tyler was on top of me. And doing what? I thought weakly. Huh? The world seemed almost distorted, in a way— what a weird dream. I could hear voices in the background: "Tyler, that's too hard, you'll wake her up," and, "I don't care if she wakes up." What? What does this all mean? WAIT? IS THIS ACTUALLY A DREAM?

Then I woke up.

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