Life as Aerwyna

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Aerwyna pov:
I always think about what others think of me. It's like a part of me always has to look for validation from others, I know it's not good but I guess I was born a people pleaser otherwise a lot of things would not happen in the future .....

My name is Aerwyna, It means friend of the sea. Growing up in Princetown, Massachusetts my parents loved the ocean especially my mother, who always visited the beach when she was pregnant with me and it doesn't take much wisdom to figure out the origin of my name.

I have three brothers and each of them is.. let's just say intelligent. As for me, I was average compared to my elder brother Jack who always got an A* in school, my B never attracted my parent's attention. My younger brothers Toby and Charlie are twins. Being twins makes you the center of attraction in your house without much effort, but my brothers were different toby excelled in sports winning a medal was easy for him, meanwhile Charlie was an artist., a painter somebody who was cheerful and happy and always gave off good energy.

How could anyone not like them? On the other hand, I was a middle child with no worthy qualities to talk about. It is not that my parents didn't love me. It's just that they loved them more. I didn't realize that until I died.

Yes, you read it right I died, and now it is
my rebirth. Do you want to know what killed me, well I died in a car accident on the way to the marriage of the guy I loved.

Sounds kind of cringe doesn't it? well, I am a cringe person, so there is this guy Avyan who I liked for 13 years. He was the son of my father's friend. He had eyes like blue sapphire dark brown hair, and two dimples which I rarely got a glimpse of because of the number of smiles he gave me, most of the time I just watched him from afar like a person looking at the moon. I tried to end this unrequited love but it seemed like my heart was not listening to my brain's instructions or my brain didn't want to give instructions at all.

I never confessed because I don't know the exact reason but he never liked me. I was afraid If I told him I liked him I wouldn't even be able to watch him from a distance and that the kind personality I have in good words reserved, shy, and in bad words insecure and not confident.
I woke up to find I had traveled 13 years back in time when I just graduated from high school. This time I want to stay away from him and everybody my family who loves me but not the most, the guy who I love but never dared to look into his eyes, this ocean which reminds me of myself,

Sometimes I resonate with it and empathize with it. People love the ocean but they don't go deep into it. How lonely must it feel to look at people being happy without it just like me this is why it shows anger in the form of a storm.

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