Dad's tears

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Jack pov:
Today Aerwyna was a little different from usual, It wasn't anything about her physical appearance but more about her aura. This was the first time I saw fire in her eyes.

I hope what Charlie says doesn't happen, Her going to Yale is going to make me ashamed to look in the eyes of my best friend. He has always told me he doesn't have any interest in Aerwyna. All of us at one point have told her he doesn't like her and she should move on and find a boyfriend.

After all, nobody likes someone stalking them, especially Avyan. I have known him for more than ten years and he is not the kind to fall for a girl who follows him around. He has repeatedly warned me to make her stay away from him. If she wasn't my sister he would have already made sure that she would regret messing with him. I hope that Charlie's words don't become real.

Aerwyna's pov:

I went to my father and said "Dad I want to talk to you about something, lately I have been thinking about which university I get into and I font want to live in the US, I want to go to Turkey, for a few years especially Istanbul it's my favorite city in the world". Aaron was shocked at his daughter's words before coming into the study he was 99 percent convinced that she was going to ask him to attend the University Avyan was going into after all everyone knew about how much she liked him to the point that even her self-esteem didn't matter.

His eyes were filled with tears as he turned around to hide them and replied "Yes, why not you know what why don't you study medicine I remember when you were a kid you always wanted to become a doctor".

Dad's words brightened my eyes, the more I thought about his advice the more it made sense. Being a doctor would make my life so much more meaningful and if my rebirth can save the lives of other people and bring smiles to other people's faces then why not, After all, who said that a rebirth should only be used to make up for ones own regret It can also be used to make up to other peoples regret.

"yes Dad I want to be a doctor, why don't we select a university right now " proposed Aerwyna. Aaron agreed and the two of them quickly selected a well-known university online and applied to it and Aerwyna's results in high school were pretty decent. They were eighty percent sure that she would get admission to this university.

As she exited her dad's study all she could think about was her dad's tears. She knew  the person who loved her the most in the world  was her father other people had their favorites just like Jack was her mother's favorite, and twins were
Jack's favourite and she was only her father's princess and his priority. All her life she had always made him ashamed and never happy but this time it going to be different she was going to make her father proud of her.

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