Aerwyna has a boyfriend??!!

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Aaron Pov:

It had been years since I saw my daughter this happy. I feel like I can now die in peace. I know it might be hard for one to see his death so close at hand and face it with bravery but I feel like I have achieved a lot in these sixty years of my life I had a wonderful wife, three promising sons, and a beautiful daughter. I have also created wealth that is enough for my family to lead a happy life for three generations without doing any work. Now I only want to see one thing before going to my deathbed and that is the happiness of my kids. Toby has been doing great in his art career and the happiness and the shine I see in his eyes is so wonderful that I find no adjectives to describe it. Jack will inherit seventy-five percent of my business. It's not that I am biased in any way but out of all my kids he is the one who is most similar to me and has shown interest in my business while my other kids have zero interest in it.

Charlie has become a great player on his team too. I know that my boy does enjoy his career but the most important thing for him is his family. He is very sensitive as a person. His getting married to Luci his childhood sweetheart might be the best thing that could happen to him. He is going to be happy with her.

The thing that worries me the most is my daughter Aerwyna. I have always known that she doesn't share an amazing bond with her family because of her personality that they find sticky but, they will realize that sticky people are the ones who will give you the best familial love. Only lucky people find such people who will stick to you whether they are doing great and are rich or you are in very poor financial conditions, but now I can see that she is no longer attached to them, honestly, I  feel this is good because as her father I don't want her to be hurt since I have been seeing her vying of their attention as a child but they are too busy in their world but I know one day they will realize that they have lost a diamond.

Seeing her with Ocean made me happy Although I wonder why she never mentioned him in our calls I guess she wanted to keep it private for some time.  finally, I can rest in peace in my grave. I have already made a will but I know it will be difficult to break this news to my kids now I am going to wait till the wedding of my son Charlie. This is the time I want my family to be together maybe this is the last time I am going to see them together this is why I called Aerwyna back.

I went to my study and I saw my son Jack sitting there  "Dad how have you been, I have been looking for you everywhere, I called your secretary and he said you are busy with some private work" he questioned " Oh today I was meeting your sister's boyfriend, what a nice gentleman he was! Such a great well-mannered man, only such a man is worthy of my daughter "

"Who !?. Whose boyfriend". Jack shouted in a bewildered manner. " Your sister's boyfriend, I know you must be surprised too, well when I first heard, I was shocked too". " Jack looked at me in a tangled manner " Aerwyna has a boyfriend, how come she never mentioned him, how long have they been together, didn't she like Avyan." I sternly looked at my son and said "This is all in the past now you are not also mention it any more your sister was young and immature at that time, if I heard somebody talk about this any longer they can get out of this house, and tell this to your brothers too. And why does she need to tell you about her relationship she is my daughter and is only answerable to me who are you to question my daughter".

"Dad what are you talking about she is my only sister how can I not care about her, I just wanted to make sure she was safe".Jack muttered." Well I know how much you care about her, you care about her so much that you have never called her once, Jack I may be silent about some things but that doesn't mean I am unaware of them, I just don't want to interfere in your relationship with your sister so I never said anything but once you cross your boundary I will not care about anything do you understand ".

"Yes, Dad I get it ". Jack said turned around and left the room. I sighed and sat on my sofa and took out my medicine from my cupboard and took it with my glass of water. After that, I want to my bedroom to sleep.

I saw my wife lying on the bed and reading a book she turned to me and said  " I heard you shouting at Jack  what happened did he make you angry well don't take him too seriously and relax you know that being too angry is bad for your health right!" " Nothing I just told him about meeting Aerwyna's boyfriend and he said something that made me angry," I said in a low voice " What Aerwyna has a boyfriend!!?? Why didn't she tell me, Why am I hearing this from you ?" Said my wife in a frustrated tone " Well let me ask you how many times have you called her since she went to university, how many times in all these years have you taken the initiative to get to know her, obviously if you are not close why would she tell you"

" But I am her mother, she is the one who is supposed to call me not the other way around, I don't know what has happened to her in all these years she has become so selfish and indifferent " shouted Emily. " Haha if this is the case then why are you the one who calls Jack every other day, why do you call to check on twins every weekend even though they live in the same house as us? "Well it's different they are boys they need me to take care of them so that they don't mess up anything Aerwyna is a girl, she is supposed to be independent and do everything on her own, she doesn't need me for every small thing in her life ." Said Emily." Then you got your wish my dear wife she is doing exactly what you wanted." I turned off the lamp and started to sleep. "What are you talking about Aaron answer me "Emily's voice reached my ears as I blocked the voice with my pillow and went into a deep sleep.

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