SpongeBob SquarePants

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Charlie's POV:
I was sure that Aerwyna would go to Yale but it doesn't seem to be the case. This morning she left home and had a flight to Turkey. It surprised me but I thought it must be some kind of plan of hers to make Dad feel guilty and to spoil her.

I know she will come back in a week or so probably. She has never been away from home for a long. I want to see how long she could put on this act of hers. Avyan is my girlfriend Luci's brother and Aerwyna often takes advantage of this to harass Avyan. In the start, I always defended my sister but as time passed by with no change in her behavior, It kind of disappointed me. Like how low can you fall so low for someone?

Aerwyna Pov:
I left home at 6 am said goodbye to my mother and kissed her forehead, as for my brothers I do not even want to communicate with them all the things they did to me in my past lives seriously make me no longer want to consider them as my blood relatives.

I sat in the car and asked my driver to leave me at the airport. He helped me take out my three suitcases from the back of the car and left. I hurriedly got onto my plane took out my Airpods put on Taylor Swift's song You Are On Your Own, Kid. Took out my blindfold and as the plane took off I asked for an apple juice from the waitress.

Looking down from my window my thoughts started to wander as I started to think about how I have felt so peaceful after so many years It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I do not resent people for treating me badly in my previous life like my brothers if I think rationally then they did the right thing and I do not have the right to be mad at them but I just want to stay away from them and avoid them, avoiding them can change the ending of my previous life. like avoiding them can make me forget How pathetic I was and how desperate I was like a beggar begging for somebody's attention. Maybe someday I can be comfortable in their presence and not feel my self-esteem crumbling and I am sure that time will come but it is not now.

The plane landed and I hired a taxi which took me to the hotel which I booked. I changed my clothes and wore my pajamas, I wore yellow pajamas with SpongeBob SquarePants print printed all over the pajamas and took out my makeup products.

Soon I realized I had no skincare whatsoever, I realized that I did not start using skincare when I was 18 so I decided to just put on my moisturizer and wait for tomorrow morning to go shopping. I turned off my room light. Put curtains on the huge window in my room which showed the entire city view. and turned on my lamp which gave me blue lights lay on my bed and went to sleep.

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