Midnight and raining

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Aerwyna POV:

I kept having this ill feeling in my heart for some time, like somebody was suffocating me. These dreams that I have been having these past few days of the events that took place in my past life. I feel maybe nothing will change maybe my father will die because of me maybe I will never get someone to love me, maybe I just don't deserve it. Maybe I am just unworthy of happiness.

What is love? Is it what I felt for Avyan or is it something else? Does anybody have a clear definition of it? Looking outside from my balcony It was raining. Rain and midnight are two combinations that just give you peacefulness that nothing else can ever give. Suddenly a thought came into my mind. I didn't think anything else and wore my rubber slippers and decided to walk outside of my house. I walked to the elevator and saw that it might take some time for it to come to my apartment floor so didn't think about anything else and ran down the stairs.

Reaching the gate of my apartment. I ran outside and ran faster and faster the wind started to hit me. suddenly I stopped and then I looked around and saw a park, I walked towards the swing and sat on it. The swing took me outside of this world, my world to be specific my reality. The rain started to fall heavier than ever and I started to smile that smile was from the bottom of my heart it felt like all the dark clouds dispersed and the sun shone on my head.

At that moment it felt like I had an epiphany, So what if nothing changes at least at the moment I was happy, at this moment I was flying, at this instant I was a bird that was freed from its cage rather than some garbage it felt like I got freedom. So what if nobody likes me at least I like myself and I think that is the most wonderful feeling ever.

A voice came into my ears "Hey what are you doing here Aerwyna at this time of night?." I turned around and saw a man with black eyes and curly brown hair. He had a symmetrical face and thin lips When he looked at a person his eyes made one feel like he loved you the most and you were the most important thing to him, but nobody saw the lack of his feelings maybe even I didn't in my previous life but now when I looked at him I could see the lackluster in his eyes when he looked at me. His complaints all were visible to me at the moment I was confused about how could I be so stupid to think that someone like him could like me. It is not that I am unworthy but just his personality is not the one to love someone. I know now that I deserve the best, and anybody who tells me otherwise is wrong and something is wrong with that person not with me. I am perfect. This was none other than Avyan.

"Oh nothing, I was just bored and decided to go for a walk " I mumbled " Go out for a walk at midnight and in such a weather, Are you okay ?" He said in a joking tone. "Why can't I, I love rain and I can go out anytime I want, who are you to tell me otherwise?" I looked and him straight in my eyes and said the words in a serious tone. " Of course, you can go out anytime you want but you know that your family will be worried about your safety right!?" He added."Mr. Avyan this is a personal matter of me and my family and I don't think that you have any say in this, I remember you said to me five years ago that I should mind my own business, I guess I have to return these words to you, please mind your own business " he frowned and an anger came into his eyes and he said to me "I wouldn't have cared if you were not the sister of my friend Jack" "then I think you can go and tell him about how our family will worry if he goes out late at night, he is your friend not me, but from I remember that your dear friend doesn't return home till 2 am? Have you suggested this to him ,and yes you don't need to worry about my safety".

Without waiting for his reply I walked ahead suddenly he stretched out his hand to stop me from walking. I took hold of his wrist with one hand and brought my hip upwards and forwards and simultaneously flipped him backward over my shoulder. "What the ..." He struggled to get up in pain as he sprained his feet "I don't think I will ever need to repeat my words again you don't need to worry about my safety".

He looked at me wide-eyed I walked ahead without looking back I knew I overreacted but so what if I did, I don't to put up with his behavior knowing full well why he was there. I think I underestimated Jack and I don't think he will give up that easily. I want to go way from this town and shift somewhere else and start a new life but I know I can't because maybe this is the last time I spend with my father if they think I will put up with this behavior they are dead wrong because I am no longer Aerwyna who was stupid and believed things body said without knowing that I was already in a trap set up by people that I considered close to me. I know what will happen next. We will go to Hawaii for the wedding of Charlie and Lucy and then Avyan will live with us. I need to do something so that they stop this nonsense.

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