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Aerwyna pov :

It was around this time that everything started to go downhill in my previous life and the biggest irony is that it was the best time of my life. Everybody started to be nicer to me my brothers started to treat me very well and the most surprising thing was that Avyan agreed to date me.

I thought that maybe they were impressed by my sincerity, but that wasn't the case. Only later when my father passed away I realize that all of them pretended to be nice to me because my father was sick and they wanted to make him happy so that his chances of being cured could increase, but it didn't happen because as they gave in to my demands my tantrums only increased and my father realized that nothing could make a person happy who is never happy with what he has, It was the last straw that broke him and he died.

Everything changed after my father's dad Avyan broke up with me and my brothers whose anger had reached its peak, they threw me out of our house but that was not the sad thing. The worst thing is that I realized how bad of a person I was and that I was the indirect murderer of my father. My father who loved me the most died because of me. This realization put me in depression. The thing I hated the most was looking in the mirror because all I saw was the murderer of my father. I loathed myself, to say the least. I thought of ending my life a lot of time but I didn't do it because dying was too easy on me.

You know what is the worst thing that could happen to a human being it is when he hates himself more than anybody else. It is tough and very heartwrenching,  and the only thing that would end it is death. It's like every cell in my body was going through self-destruction.

This time around I am not going to be part of it. I want to make my father happy and I want to see him live. I can do anything for that even if that it took me my life.

"Miss we have arrived at the mansion", the voice of the driver woke me up from the memories of my past life. I got out of the car as the driver opened my car's door. Entering my house, I saw my mother sitting on the sofa looking at me with tears as I had done something horrendous to her it was always this look that made me feel bad about myself since I was young but not anymore, Adjacent to her were my brothers Jack looked at me calmly, his calm expression never changes no matter what, Charlie's eyes were filled with anger, It seemed like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. Toby looked indifferent, Well he has always been indifferent regarding me he never seemed to care whether I lived or died, I used to worry about that but now our feelings are mutual.

"Where is Dad?" It was as if my voice broke the calm. Jack looked at me and said "he is in the room, he will be happy to see you, you should have come home more often all of us missed you" "I looked at him and said "Yes I missed all of you too" trying to make my voice as genuine as possible If one thing I ever learned from Jack was fakeness, My eyes seemed to convey that if he wants this fake courtesy exchange with me than I have no choice but to give it back to him. He seemed surprised like this guy thought I was going to throw a tantrum about them not calling me and still saying they missed me but my dear brother we are blood relatives if you can fake emotion so can I.

Anyway, I looked at them all with a smile and gave my greeting,  their surprise was not at all hidden from their facial expressions. I went to my father's room without looking back. As I opened the door silently I saw a thin figure sitting on the sofa watching TV my eyes struggled to hold back tears as I walked behind him and covered his eyes with my hands and said "Guess who it is " trying to make my voice as husky as possible.

"Oh, it's my princess" my father replied knowing full well that nobody except me did this action to him. We talked about everything about how my life has become so much better I showed him all of my pictures with friends, I told him about my trip to Dubai, and I did all I could to make him happy.

"You know that Charlie is getting married to Luci right!, I called you because I wanted you to attend his wedding, but I don't want you to do anything that would affect your brother's life, You do understand what I mean right, Aerwyna my dear stop running behind people who don't like you my princess deserves the world okay but forcing people to love you isn't going to get you what you want," said my Dad . He said the same thing in my previous life and I remember my response being" you don't love me at all, you just your sons I have only asked you one thing in life cant you give it to me ".My hysteric voice still rings in my head and the regret after his death seems to drown me alive it is as if somebody just buried me alive.

"Aerwyna are you listening to me "My Dads voice brought me back and I said, "Dad what are you talking about, I was a kid back then how can I still do this stuff, you were a teenager back then, I am long past my puberty." Determination flashed in my eyes as I played my last card to save my father's life "I didn't know how to tell you this Dad but I have a BOYFRIEND "

My father started coughing loudly and stood up from his chair and said "WHAT YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND". Yes, This is the news I wanted to tell you about and you know what we are going to get engaged in a few months, I said in a blushing tone

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