Ocean Miller

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Aerwyna POV:

My dad and I are sitting in a coffee shop. It had
simple decoration and the chairs were comfortable. you could get a view of the sea from the large floor-to-ceiling windows. The place was filled with the refreshing smell of coffee beans.

"Dad why don't we order your coffee, I know this is your favorite place and you love their food, especially their croissants,  My dad said, "Oh yes we should order something". Even though he tried to act normal I could sense his impatience as his eyes remained glued to the door of the coffee shop.

Finally, a man with a height of approximately 6ft2 walked in from the door. He had dark brown almond-shaped eyes with a captivating intensity in them. He had well-shaped eyebrows that complimented his face. He had a strong and defined jawline that contributed to his masculine and chiseled appearance. He had full well-shaped lips that added to his allure. One could look at him and say that he was an extremely handsome man. He walked elegantly with his back straight without hunching down.

He accidentally collided with a waitress who stared at him in a dumbstruck manner, but quickly came to her senses and said sorry, the man just looked at her smiled, and said "It's okay, no problem" and walked away. From this incident, one could tell that he was a well-mannered man because if it was someone else they might have shouted at the waitress and called the manager but he didn't.

The man came to our table and looked at me, I smiled at him stood up from my chair, and hugged him. He turned to my Dad and said "Hello I am Ocean Miller, Nice to meet you, Mr. Aaron, Aerwyna has told me so much about you!" My Dad looked at him and smiled in a relieved manner as if a weight had been lifted over from his shoulder he then looked at Ocean and said "Nice to meet you too, young gentleman so how long have you been together"  "We have our second anniversary of our relationship coming soon, time with Aerwyna is just never too much. She is the kind of girl one could just look at and be like what did I do to deserve her? I must say Mr Aoronan I question myself every day like how did I just get her" Ocean stated and looked at me with eyes filled with love. My dad shook his head and said" She is one of a kind, and she is stubborn about what she wants once decided nothing could change her mind I hope you will take care of her " "Take care of her of course I will!  but in our relationship, she is the one who takes care of me a lot." After that Ocean and Dad talked for a while before my Dad got a call he stood up from his chair and announced that he needed to take a leave, I stood up from my chair and said goodbye to my father.

"So how was my acting dear Girlfriend", Ocean looked at me with a mischievous smirk on his face I snickered and rolled my eyes and retorted "Just above average If I was teaching you acting I would give it twenty out of a hundred". "What are you talking about my acting was great my friend your father didn't have the slightest doubt about our relationship " 

"He didn't because he believes in me not because of your oh-so-great acting, but fooling my dad is not much of a challenge but fooling my brothers can be a tough job Are you sure you can do it? " I added " Miss Aerwyna there is nothing I  can't do except what I don't want to do, What's more, I need to repay you my favor If this can clear my dept I would be more than happy to do this for you. " I shook my head and sighed " You didn't have to do this I didn't help you much, you are truly doing me a great favor, if I wasn't afraid about my father's health and wanted to reassure him that I have changed that I wouldn't have to do this but thank you soo much Ocean for all this and sorry at the same time."

"You know what Aerwyna, I believe that debts that you can't repay with money are the hardest to give back to and I am more than happy to help you, What's more, we are friends and I don't just call anybody a friend and if my friend needs my help there is no way I can say no to them" Ocean explained.

Ocean is my good friend and yes we are not in a relationship I asked his help because I wanted to tell my father that I was in a relationship. I know this isn't a great idea but if it can help me get my father in good health then I can do anything even if that means faking my love life. If I didn't bring Ocean into the picture then the same thing as in my previous life might happen my brothers might match me with Avyan for my father's health and there is no way I could be happy with him since I don't like him anyways now but I know Jack he will do it whatever he can since he believes that only this could make my father relieved and happy and his mood can be stable with no stress.

There is just no way I can fake my relationship with Avyan so it's better if I bring someone else not only will it look more credible to my father but will also save me a lot of trouble in following my brother's plans which I don't trust one bit. I don't want to waste my time on people who don't deserve it.

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