Mental illness

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Jacks POV:

Aerwyna has a boyfriend, this is just impossible. No boy likes a girl who will want to cling to them 24 hours. Come on, which man wants to take his girlfriend to his party with his friends? I think she is lying to Dad and even if she isn't I am one hundred percent sure they will break up. I can't risk my father's life. I love him too much to lose him. I can't bet on a relationship between two young people to save my father's life.

I went into my room, walking with huge strides. My uncontrollable rage took control of my mind as I slammed my fist on the mirror in my room. The red blood started to flow. The pain brought me back to my sanity and the only thought in my head was "I NEEDED TO DO SOMETHING" "I NEED TO BREAK THEIR RELATIONSHIP".

I know one thing for sure if he breaks up with Aerwyna and if she is unhappy, my dad will be unhappy so what I had to do was to pair Aerwyna with Avyan. For that, she needed to break up with that man herself whatsoever so that when she breaks up with him she needs to be happy till my dad's surgery and after that what happens to her is none of my concern anyway.

I knew exactly what to do I threw my used cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. First I needed to be calm. I walked into my bathroom and opened my shower. I put the setting for opening cold water. The chilly water calmed my anger and brought serenity to me. As the water ran down my body it brought down with it my anger and stress. I looked into there at an extremely handsome-haired man who possessed striking features, piercing blue eyes his golden locks cascading effortlessly forming a captivating and charismatic demeanor that charmed everyone who met him and looked back at me. Putting on my bathrobe I walked into my balcony. The wind started to hit me and I started to look at the ocean waves. It was the best thing to calm me down since I had been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, everything made sense. Since I was a teenager I knew something was strange. Something strange with my thoughts. The thoughts that took over me. The thoughts that took possession of my body.

My anger, my distrust of other people, my insecurities, and my paranoia suddenly had an answer. l knew I couldn't tell my parents about this because I didn't want to disappoint them every time I looked into their eyes all I saw was the pride that arose because of my achievements. I couldn't bear the thought of them looking at me with pity. I sighed and lay down on my bed   

I have to make a plan. These thoughts swept through my mind as my drowsiness took hold of me.
Sunshine escaped from the white curtains and fell onto the small figure lying on the bed. Ring !!!!! Ring!!!!! The voice of alarm woke me up. I got out and started to get ready for the day. I already know what I want to do. I took my phone lying next to my bed and dialed the number of my friend Avyan." Hey, I want to meet you today are you free? Yes it is important like very important. You know it's time to repay your favor and I don't want to hear a NO for an answer".

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