New Aerwyna

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Aerwyna pov:
I woke up at 5 am I know it's early but looking at the sunshine from my floor-to-ceiling window in my room just calms me down.

Today is a big day for me, I need to talk to my father about how I don't want to study in Us, and How I want to go to Turkey for university.

Honestly, I don't know what I will choose as my major. In my last life, I chose to study business management at Yale. You want to know why because Avyan was there, it's like my entire life I tried my best to be around him. Loving someone can be exhausting, but loving someone from afar is just difficult on a whole new level.

In this life I don't want to waste my time looking at his perfect girlfriend and him, instead, I just want to stay away from him, because I know my feelings for him are stopping me from being happy. The only way is see myself being happy is by being away from him.

I went downstairs kissed my mother on the forehead and sat down at the dinner table. My brothers came down and started having their breakfast after finally completing my breakfast which included pancakes and apple juice, I told my father that I wanted to talk to him in study. My mother looked at me with a confused expression and said "Honey what do you want to talk to your dad? "Mom nothing but I have picked the university I want to go" replied Aerwyna. Emily looked at Aerwyna with a perplexed expression on her face. Jack showed no expression and continued to eat his breakfast as if he knew what was going to happen in the study without hearing any of the conversation.

Charlie looked at me with obvious boredom in his eyes and said "Can you please stop embarrassing us, like seriously Having a sister who runs around Avyan all day long can you just stop begging for a guy's attention, now I know what you want to do you want to go yale so that you can be near Avyan, do you know how awkward we felt when he asked us to make you no longer stalk him, you know what? girls like you who have no self-respect are just disgusting"Jack gave a sharp glare to Charlie and said, "Enough is that how you talk to your sister.." Although unconvinced Charlie became quiet after hearing it.

To be honest,  If it was me from my previous life I would have remained silent but now I know when people disrespect you that's because you allow them to do so, I took a deep breath and smiled at Charlie which made him stunned while, and threw my apple juice onto his face. The look on his face was worth taking a picture so I took a photo, opened my Instagram, and wrote "Just another mosquito sucking my blood does anybody has a repellent".

Then I turned to him and said "Charlie is there anything you can do in your life other than focus on me dude seriously get a life and I wasn't going to tell anybody but think I need to tell Dad about how his oh so perfect son used cocaine. Next time you put your nose in my business I will make sure that I break it. You better remember that". Everybody in the room was shocked beyond belief. Toby's jaw almost fell to the ground.

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