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Aerwyna Pov:

I called Ocean and it took a few seconds before a hoarse voice came from another side." Hey Aerwyna how are you doing, Do you need any help". I took a few breaths to calm myself down and replied " I..I.. Can we meet I want to talk to you about something". He paused for some time sensing that something was wrong with my voice he replied " Yes of course,  where are you ? I will pick you up." I told him my address. " Wait for me, I will reach there in five minutes."

I stood at the side of the road. Looking at the crowd of people passing by me, suddenly a sense of loneliness surrounded me it was like I was alone on the whole planet, It was just me. Suddenly I saw a Ford Fiesta stopped in front of me, Ocean opened his car window.     and said, "Hurry get in, what are you waiting for?"  I didn't think anything before I opened the passenger seat of the car and sat inside the car. The car was filled with huge shopping bags.

I looked at him with confusion in my eyes and questioned him  "Who are these things for? Isn't today your father's death day what are you doing with this stuff? " He looked at me with a smile and said "What do  think, I should be doing?""Spending time in your father's cemetery probably, being sad, drinking alcohol, and not shopping at the very least." I replied nonchalantly.


"Miss Aerwyna, yes I can do that but that won't decrease my pain, nor would it lessen my sad and neither can it bring me back my father, but what I can do to decrease my pain is to spend my time on something meaningful " He answered I gave him a weird look and said, " So is shopping for stuff really that meaningful ?".
"If it can make you happy it is " his reply surprised me as I shouted," I never thought you were one of those people who enjoyed shopping, are you one of those hoarders".

He shook his head and said, " You look anxious, do you want to come with me maybe I can help you".
"Nobody can help me " I mumbled " If you continue to think that way then nobody can but if you trust me I can bring a smile to your face today." I looked him directly in the eye, and he looked directly into my eyes, we maintained contact for thirty seconds at least and then I looked away and said: "Okay if you insist but let me warn you don't be disappointed if you don't succeed".

"There is no way I would be disappointed," I said nothing but waited for time to give him his answer directly. He drove the car before stopping in front of a house. It looked like an old house, It looked broken and dilapidated. The area seemed to be in the suburbs, outside the town. Suddenly a child came from the door and shouted "Brother is here "The child came running and hugged Ocean directly. Ocean bent down and hugged him in return. Suddenly from somewhere a lot of children came and surrounded Ocean. He hugged every one of them and said "I have a gift for everyone ". He turned to me and said "Would you help me ." "Yes of course" I replied.

He opened his car trunk and took out the shopping bags. It was filled with all kinds of toys, stationery, and books. I took everything and helped him distribute it equally among everyone. Seeing their smiles healed some things inside me. For the first time since my five years of rebirth, I felt relaxed.

I was lost in my thoughts as Ocean turned to me and said " Hey do you play football, " I just nodded mechanically still lost in my thoughts. He took hold of me by my wrist and took me to a huge park. It was surrounded by big lush trees. It had huge ground. After that, all I remember was the shouts and giggles of the children as we played. Me and Ocean played in different teams. We both competed for goals as children in our teams cheered for us finally I made the last goal. Something inside me completely changed as I laughed loudly and shouted " I won, I won, you lost M.r Ocean Miller" he looked at me and said, "Did I". Suddenly I stopped and remembered my words in the car. But at this point, I didn't care. It started to rain and I just jumped, laughed with all the children and climbed trees.

I picked berries in the rain and danced to the songs in the rain. It was my first time dancing to songs in the rain but it was such a fun activity I loved it so much that I decided that the next time it rained I would do this too. It was in stark contrast with the night it rained and I was sitting on a swing. This time I had company and it was so much better. I realised why he would prefer spending time here rather than cemetery. He loves his father and he knows his father loves him so much more than that and if he is sad his father would be ten times sadder than him but if he smiled his father would be hundred times happier.

I asked him " Do you com here often " he answered
" Yes , because they are like me , they have no family and I enjoy their company they enjoy mine. We both fulfill our regrets, Aerwyna life is all about being happy  I leaned this hard way , instead of being sad about something that is not under our control we should be create our own happiness because it is under our control."

Walking around the green fields with wet clothes the smell of mud I understood what he was saying and he was correct. I needed to make myself happy because it is not other people job to cater to me and make me happy Instead I should be working hard to create my own happiness rather than depending on someone else just like in my past life. It is better to make myself happy

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