Invited or not

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Aerwyna POV:

woke up at 7 am. Got ready and went
downstairs to eat breakfast. I have a mission today and I am not going to stop till I complete it today. As I sat at my dining table I saw my Dad and Mom coming from down towards the dining table I smiled at them and said " Good morning Mom and Da, did you sleep well? " My dad laughed and said, " Oh we had a great sleep last night, how about you darling." " Unfortunately I can't say the same" I sighed and shook my head. My dad frowned and said, "What happened, what made my princess upset?". "It's nothing Dad it's just Ocean's father's death anniversary is coming up next Sunda, and I want to be there for him but you know we are going to Hawaii so I am just sad I can't be there for him. I was thinking maybe I can stay here."

My mom looked shocked by my words and hurriedly said " Aerwyna I know you love this guy but it's your brother's wedding, You should be there for him and if you are not there what will everybody in our family think, what will Luci's family think. I think instead of caring about the feelings of the guy you just met, you should think about your family's feelings ." I looked at my dad with tears in my eyes  and mumbled " But I just don't want to leave him alone in this time of grief, especially since his mother is not there for him and has cut ties with him since his father's death, I am his only family."

My Dad looked at me and was about to nod his head to give me permission suddenly my mother said excitedly
" Why don't you invite him to come with Hawaii to us, It will help to distract him from his sadness and you two can also spend some quality time with each other the most important thing is you can introduce him to our family w! What do you say about this idea? I smirked in my head as I made a victory sign with my fingers inside the table and thought the fish was finally hooked. I stared at her in a flustered manner and said "Is it okay,
After all,o u guys don't know him, will it be okay for Charlie and Luci, will they be mad."

My Mom looked at me gave me a reassuring look and answered " Don't you worry I will tell them you don't need to worry about anything you just need to invite him on behalf of our family "  My dad said loudly. "It is decided Ocean is going to come with us end of the discussion." I smiled and  hugged my dad and said " Thank you dad you are the best." My Dad shook his head and said "It's your mother's idea you should thank her ".
I looked at my mom and said " Thank you Mom."

Suddenly a deep magnetic voice came from behind   "why are you thanking Mom Aerwyna " when I looked behind me it was Jack . My mother smiled at him and said "oh we were just talking about inviting Aerwyna boyfriend to you brother's wedding" Jack  smiled but I caught the sight of anger in his eyes " isn't it to early to invite him to our family important event , I dont mean any offense  Aerwyna but we don't even know him that well." My Mom looked at me with hesitation in her eyes  I remained silent for few second and then said my dad " maybe he is right Dad , maybe we shouldn't invite him since its our family function."

My Dad said " how can I go back on my words since I have told your sister to invite him then he is coming I don't want to hear anymore words  , furthermore I also want to get to know that guy , I want to check if he is a good man for your sister " Jack said nothing and just nodded his head.

"Dad I am going to go shopping so I maybe a little late in returning home so you don't need to worry about it". I explained to my Dad and then he replied" Ok don't worry and have a safe journey ". I stood up from my seat and got outside and called Ocean.

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