professor Nicholas

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Aerwyna pov :

Armani looked at me with her big eyes while holding back her tears "Hey I don't know anybody here can I stay with you"Not that I minded but I just felt a little awkward. "Yes, why not? It will be fun." All of her tears disappeared and a huge smile came to her face, her dimples made her look extremely cute. Seeing her face change I was too stunned to speak.

We walked to our respective classes which were surprisingly not far. As this was the first day of my university I was excited about my new life but couldn't help but think in my previous life, I joined a finance major to be close to Avyan but it backfired everybody in my family did not want me to go there but I insisted and went on a hunger strike which resulted in a bad relationship with my family. My brother especially Charlie detested me and Jack as always was on Charlie's side no matter how much he bad things he said to me he never said anything to stop him or prevent him from disrespecting me my father who loved me a lot stopped meeting me and would always avoid me as for my mom whenever she tried to tried to defend me or be close to me my brother would always stop her and tell her that I needed some punishment. This punishment was cold violence from my own family.

I don't blame them because anybody would have done the same if they were in their shoes but at the same time, I do not want to be close to them as it would haunt me every day that once I do something they consider embarrassing they will not be close to me as if this thought has embedded itself in my mind. I will respect them but will never be close to them except for my father. My father is somebody I can never detach myself from even if I want to, he is and will always be my best advisor and friend as for my mother I know she loves my brothers more it's not wrong after all we all have people we are biased towards it just that when I was young I always wanted her attention to be on me but now it doesn't matter to me all I have for her and give her is respect as for love well.. she has a lot of children to love so If I don't love her it doesn't matter much.

As I was sinking into my thoughts I reached my class and entered it was my biology class soon the professor entered and all the students stopped talking and started to focus on his lecture.

"Hello students I am Nicholas James but you can refer to me as Sir Nicholas congratulations to every one of you who has finally reached this class it was not easy to get in and probably will not be easier in the future, all of you must have empathy otherwise you can get out of this class right now because this profession is all of the love and sympathy empathy that we have, so nice to meet all of let's start our class with our first chapter "

After his lecture all of the students stood up from their chairs and started going outside as she went outside Aerwyna saw Armina who rushed towards her and said "Oh what a coincidence all of our classes start and end at the same time, this must be a signal from the universe that we must become friends " Hearing her words I smiled at her and said "yes, so we must be good friends " my words made her extremely happy as she was shocked by my words and hugged me, and we moved to the canteen.

Friend what I nice word something I have craved for my entire life but never had a true one, I hope that Armani and I can form a bond that nobody can break.

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