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Aerwyna pov:

It's been five years since I started university, and it would be an understatement to say that I was having fun. I made many friends and for the first time in my life, I was invited to parties, joined different clubs like public speaking, and music club where I learned piano oh I also started learning to use skateboarding.

It has been my favorite sport since I was young but unfortunately, my dad never allowed me to as it would cause me a lot of injuries now there was no one stopping me from learning it. I have gotten so close to Armani that it seems like she is my family now, she is someone who I can trust and say that she knows me more than anybody in my life and I know her even better than her mom.

Unfortunately, good times don't last long today is my graduation day. This university life of mine has come to an end and I will never forget this place as it made me.  It literally it made me when I first came here I was very much lacking in confidence but I don't know when I felt like talking to people was not that difficult and, to be honest, I enjoyed my life so much here that looking at my batchmates I struggled to hold back my tears and as our counselor finished his speech we all threw out 🎓 graduation cap into the sky

"Hey Aerwyna , lets take a picture" a  friend of mine shouted as I ran towards har and made a heart with my two hands ." I dont want to leave , Aerwyna I love this place and I dont want to go back home  I dont want to be separated from you "said Armani with tears falling down from her eyes I looked at her blankly for some time and then hugged her tightly and said"Armani no matter whether we are together or not please know that you are my bestest friend in the entire world you taught me what friendship is and know that I will never forget our laughter, our shopping, and our favourite restaurant ,I  always wished I had a sister and god gave me you in compensation and I just want to say thank you for everything ". In return Armani said nothing but hugged me tightly and I could feel my dress being wet from her tears finally after thirty seconds she said " promise me Aerwyna that you will love yourself more than anybody else and promise me that my Aerwyna will not beg anybody to love her because you are so perfect that nobody like nobody deserves you begging them okay"she said with her hoarse voice due to crying and  determination in her eyes.

Looking into her eyes I knew what she was talking about I had told her everything including how much I loved Avyan and, how my family reacted, how I knew this was wrong to stalk him but loved him too much to the point that my self-respect didn't matter much I looked into her eyes and said " I promise you my friend be in this life or next I will never do such things and beg for attention even if it is my family " after that we held hands as we knew both of us didn't have much time together.

Armani was returning to her hometown as for me I would go home and work in Massachusetts Princetown where my family lives to be honest I wanted to completely settle here but my father insisted that I go home and since he was very sick I agreed to the come back but I will not live with them and my brothers in that house instead I will move to another apartment that my father gifted me when I was 18.

It's not that I am afraid of them I have grown up and am no longer the self who was intimidated by them but living with them is only going to disgust me as I am only going for my father as for anybody else they can do whatever they want. These years I have only talked to my father as for my mother, she was too busy parenting her adult sons so how could she remember to talk to me well I have gotten used to this partiality by now.

I went home packed all my stuff and went to the airport with Armani we looked at each other for the last time and walked opposite ways suddenly I stopped and looked back only to find her looking back at me I put my luggage where it was and ran towards her and hugged her tightly I was afraid to leave her I had grown so attached to her that life without her would not be the same. After hugging her I went straight towards my flight not looking back even once to prevent myself from crying.

Finally, the plane landed and I came back to my town It was not the same as when I left it but not much different either but thinking about how I had to deal with everyone made me unhappy but well life doesn't go exactly how you want it to be.

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