Jacks plight

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Jacks POV

It's been five years since Aerwyna left home to go to university. To be honest our Family including me always thought she would be back in a few days or maybe months because well... She has never lived apart from us and her introverted character cannot provide her with an independent life, I am not saying she needs us but she always needed someone to be with her since we were young, It used to annoy us, especially me, and my brothers because we always needed to be around her as our father always used to say "be around her" "she needs somebody to take care of her " "she is young she will get better" the more he said this to us the more it started to get under our skin, like can't we just get rid of her. As an older brother, it would be a lie if I said I didn't say that I had this kind of thought, anybody would be disturbed by it.

Anyway, In few days after she was gone we were already sure that she would come back in a few days so we did nothing but pray that she could stay there for some more time so we could fully enjoy our life but then days turned into months and months into years but she never came back.

6 days ago I overheard my dad's conversation with her where he was telling her to come back how his health has started to become bad and how we don't care about him to be honest I was shocked that my dad would have to persuade her to come back I thought she would be the one begging dad to come back.

Five years and no calls messages or anything to any of us kind of made me sad and sometimes my mom would cry like how she wished that Aerwyna would talk to her but every time she tried to call her she would talk but in a hurry as if someone over there was more important than Mom and with us she never maintained any contact. This is what surprised me the most I tried asking Avyan if she had ever contacted him and he told me that he hadn't seen her for a long while and she had never talked to him since five years ago when he warned her not to talk to her.

Do I miss my sister? Yes but do I want to put up with her
Stalking character not anymore. I have some hope that maybe she has grown and will not be running after Avyan anyway it will become clear after she comes home.

I went to Charlie's room and said" Do you know Aerwyna is coming back" "No way, why is she coming back?" Replied charlie. " Dad called her he said he was missing her and wanted her to come back" I shouted. " Why can't Dad see us living in peace? Why can't he see our family happy for once, I am getting married and you know what she is going to destroy my wedding I am one hundred percent sure, she is coming back for Avyan. She thinks he will be with her just for his sister's sake, let me tell you I will not let this happen." I said nothing but just sighed hopefully our worries do not come true.

I sat in my car and drove to the hospital. I went to my family's doctor to ask him about my father's health condition. "Doctor I want to know what is wrong with my father's health, I know he doesn't want to make us worry about him but as his son, I feel I have the right to know about his health," I said in a determined tone the doctor looked straight into my eyes and said, "  Mr. Aaron Leblanc has precious heart issues and if a surgery is not done as soon as possible, then the possibility of him being alive will be zero, it is important that around this time that you obey whatever he says and don't make him feel stressed otherwise not even an angel can save his life, I hope you are understanding what I am saying!"

I said yes to the doctor, I don't know how I got out of the hospital I just felt like going somewhere and crying. I don't know what to feel. I knew something was off about him recently and him calling Aerwyna in such an urgent way further confirmed my guess. I don't know how to break this news to my family. I want to tell everybody in my family that during this time it is better to follow Aerwyna happy because if we don't my dad will be sad and his sadness may cause us to bear a loss we cannot imagine.

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