Fearing the Future

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Ahsoka's POV

"Ahsoka?" Ezra stood in the doorway, a worried look on his young face."Ahsoka are you ok? I sensed you were in pain and I heard you yelling..." His voice faltered.

She shook her head slightly getting her bearings. Her breath shooting past her lips. "Ezra. I was just having a nightmare." Her voice was shaky and uneven, the throb in her chest fading slightly.

His face scrunched in concern, blue eyes filled with worry."You sounded terrified, yelling about your Master." He looked down at his shoes, "Did he die in Order 66 too?"

Ahsoka stood and threw a cloak over her sleep clothes. Her mind was raging from her nightmare. How would she answer that question? She always told herself he had died in Order 66, believed it even. Until now. No that monster was not her Master. Not anymore. He had died in Order 66. "Yes. My Master was killed in the Order."

Ezra looked into her eyes. "Did you see it?" His voice barely above a whisper.

Ahsoka pondered his reasoning for the question. Why would he ask such a thing?"No I didn't. I had-I had left before that. Why don't you come inside instead of standing out in the hall?"

Ezra glanced around sheepishly as if he just realized where he was. "Yeah I guess, sorry."

Ahsoka smiled at him. "Come sit down at the table it's a bit cramped in here but there's still a place for you to sit."

He walked in slowly; she could sense his curiosity a question he had for her? And nervousness, and something else....fear? Her markings furrowed. It wasn't directed toward her....."Ezra, I can sense something is troubling you." She sat across from him in the tiny space.

"Oh. You can?" His voice was quiet, his eyes on the table.

She reached out and touched his hand. "You can look at me you know. I can't be that scary" She smiled at him, as he looked up at her.

"What exactly can you sense?"

"Well I sense your worry of......something you fear might happen, I'm not sure what though." Ahsoka felt his nervousness increase. "I could go find Kanan for you, I'm sure he'll be able to-"

"NO!-I-I-mean...I don't want to bother him. He's probably busy or something." His voice died off.

Ahsoka frowned. "Ezra he's your Master, he's there to help you"

"I-I know it's just. I can't go to him with this."

"Would like to tell me?" Ahsoka asked gently, wondering what was bothering the young Jedi learner.

"I'm-I'm worried about Kanan. When we fought the Inquisitor at the old base he-he almost died. I know the Inquisitor is dead now but, that Sith Lord he's strong. Way strong, and, I guess I just wanted a story about someone's Master who had survived. And if there wasn't one, I wanted to know how they-they dealt with losing them."

Ahsoka's heart softened. She gazed at him sitting awkward in her tiny room. So that's what he was afraid of. Losing his Master. Yes it was a harsh way of thinking sometimes, but a Jedi cannot have attachments for losing them can push one to the Darkside, and fill them with grief despair and anger. Like how I feel. She thought bitterly.

"Ezra, as Jedi we are supposed to not have any attachments, for they can cause distraction to a Jedi's duty. Attachments also can make a Jedi become selfish. It can cause the Jedi to do things in order to keep that attachment safe so they don't have to live without it."

Ezra frowned. "So your saying I can't care about Kanan! That I shouldn't care if he died?!" His hand curled into a fist.

"No, Ezra that's not what I'm saying at all. Jedi are to be compassionate and caring, I'm not saying to stop caring about Kanan or anyone else. What I'm saying is, you have to be ready for the possibly of losing him, or anyone you care about. Does that make sense?"

His deep blue eye gazed into her light ones. "Yeah-I-guess, it's just hard."

She smiled at the young Padawan. "I know, I remember I was just like you when I was a Padawan learner, confused with attachment and compassion. I hope what I told you helps."

He smiled meeting her eyes nervousness gone. "Ii did, I think. Thank you Ahsoka." He stood to leave"And...im sorry about your Master."He walked out the door, leaving her standing alone as his words inflamed the pain in her chest.



Hey! So sorry this one didn't have any action! I wanted to focus on building a trust between these two :). And not to worry! There's plenty of action coming

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