Planet of Crystals and Crisis

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Sabine's POV

Sabine sat in her room for the last hour of the trip, she was anxious to arrive. She'd never been to Christophsis, she'd heard that it was beautiful in it's own way. Green and blue crystals grew up from the ground and towered high. To bad we won't get to see much of them.

The Imperial base was in it's own compound surrounded by walls keeping the beauty of the planet out. Sabine mulled over the plan of action. Before they left the Rebels, one of their engineers showed how her how to deactivate the security systems. She and Zeb would break in to the security console and shut it down so Kanan and Ezra could get the data.

It was risky, there were a lot of Stromtroopers to go through when they got there. But at least Hera and Ahsoka would disable all the TIE fighters, so the Ghost could get away without any problems this time. Assuming that the south pad was the only one housing the fighters.

"Sabine we're in the atmosphere, come up to the cockpit." Hera's voice said over her comlink.

Jumping off the bed, grabbing her helmet on the way, Sabine headed to the front.

They whole crew was there including the Togruta woman. Kanan and Ezra were dressed in their Imperial Stormtrooper uniforms with their lightsabers concealed, ready for action.

"Alright everyone straight with the plan? We each go our ways with our partners and return to the East corner of the South landing pads when we've completed  our mission. There Chopper will bring in the Ghost to pick us up." Kanan said, looking at each of them.

Sabine spun her blasters "You got it boss."

Ezra nodded, Chopper spun his head around in agreement.

"Heha! We're ready!" Zeb said.

"Good, I'm bringing us down outside the base. Chopper go ahead and take control of Ghost." Hera said, as she started flipping switches and buttons.

Sabine grabbed their cable guns and tossed one to everyone. "Up and over."

The Ghost settled down. They only had a few seconds to be off the ship so Chopper could take it back up, leaving it off the Empires scanners.

Ahsoka's POV

They all rushed off the Ghost, into a Christophsis night. Ahsoka turned and watched as Chopper took it up into the clouds.

Hera had told her not to worry. That Vader wouldn't be here and all would go smoothly. She hoped it would, but in her experience missions never go as planned. She still feared that being here, would put them all at a greater risk.

"Hurry!" Ezra cried.

They had reached the wall. Shooting their cables, Ahsoka and the Ghost Crew rose to the top of the wall.

"Alright ready?" Kanan asked her.

She nodded. She, Kanan, and Ezra lifted Hera, Zeb and Sabine off the wall and into the compound, with the Force.

Ezra's POV

Ezra jumped down using the Force to aid his landing just as Kanan had taught him. His cadet helmet made it easier to see, since it came equipped with night vision just like Kanans. They crouched  behind some crates, watching as a guard went by. Hera and Ahsoka were heading off to disable the TIE fighters, and Zeb and Sabine were already gone.

Just as the guard went around the corner he and Kanan stood, walking with purpose, towards the main door. It shot open, and Stormtrooper and Cadet walked inside.

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