Mission Assigned

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Ahsoka's POV

Ahsoka sat cross legged on the floor in her quarters. She was searching. She drew her mind back the moment on the Ghost when she sensed Him.

She tried to remember how he felt and what he thought. Yes she felt his surprise and his anger and hate. But...there had been something else underneath...

She dove deeper into her mediation, the floor and the room her montrails could sense, disappeared. She felt back, probed her mind. She had sensed hate and pain and.....determination. He had been determined to shoot down the Ghost and be rid of those annoying Rebels.

Ahsoka drew in a deep breath, keeping her mind and heart calm. He wanted them dead until....he felt her. She felt everything like she was back there in that moment. Kanan's hand on her shoulder, the darkness of the Sith's force signature. She felt him recognize her, and his attention shift. From destroy to capture.

Ahsoka opened her eyes. He didn't want to kill her? He wanted her alive? But.....why? What could he possibly want from her? Rebellion information? No he could grab anyone for that. He wanted something only she would know.........

She gasped. "Obi-Wan."

Of course that would be it! He wanted to get Kanobi's location from her. She wouldn't let that happened. She would never give him up. She couldn't get caught no matter what. Not because she feared she might break but because she didn't know if she could face Vader. Her presence with the rebels made them a target. She would be putting them all in danger now......

"Ghost Crew and Fulcrum. Ghost Crew and Fulcrum. Commander Sato needs you on the bridge."

The call on her comlink dragged her from her thoughts. She would have to think about this later....

Hera's POV

The morning had been uneventful, just some minor checkups on the Ghost and the Phantom. Zeb and Ezra arguing as usual, before Ezra disappeared. Sabine was looking over the Rebellions stock of explosives. How she could be so fascinated with things that exploded was beyond her.

Hera walked through the command ships hall ways looking for Kanan. She wanted to talk to him about staying with the rebellion. It was a good cause. He'd been ignoring his com. She knew he hated the Empire and was afraid of getting caught up in another war. But it was too late, they already were. They're time on Lothal got the Empire's attention. They were in this weather they liked it or not. She also hoped to straighten him out about the procedures that they should respect while they were here.

Her comlink blinked at her.

"Ghost Crew and Fulcrum. Ghost Crew and Fulcrum. Commander Sato needs you on the bridge."

Good now she didn't have to search for Kanan, she could talk to him after their meeting with the Commander.

~ ~ ~

Hera was the first person to arrive on the bridge. No surprise. she thought.

"Commander. What have you got for us?" She asked as she walked around the central computers.

"A mission, if the crew is up for it. I truly hope that they are, your crew is the only available unit to send."

The door whooshed open, Ahsoka and Chopper came inside.

"Waa wuuaa wawa?" Chopper asked, arms spinning

"We getting a mission Chop." Hera answered

"What kind of mission?" Sabine's voice said as she walked in. "Anything involving thermal detonators?"

Hera rolled her eyes. "We'll see. Let's wait until everyone is here."

The door opened for the third time letting Zeb and Ezra scramble into the room, with Kanan right behind.

"Were not late right?" Ezra asked

"Yeah we didn't miss anything?" Zeb said

Sabine grinned, "Not this time at least."

Kanan stood next to Ezra across the computers installed in the floor, and crossed his arms. "So what's this about Commander?"

Hera narrowed her green eyes at him resisting the urge to yell at him.

The Commander stood at the head of the room. "I have called you, Ghost Crew, here because there is some vital information about our rebel groups in the hands of the Empire. My source has told me that they haven't cracked the encryption yet, and I need a crew with their own ship to retrieve it from the Empire."

Hera watched everyone. They were all listening intently, even Kanan. They were sometimes a bit of a crazy crew but they knew when to get serious.

The Commander continued, "I have called Ahsoka here because this is a 7 man operation, and you all have worked together before."

Hera gazed at her. For the longest time it was just her and Fulcrum communicating. At first she didn't know whether she could trust a person who gave no name or face. But after her Intel proved to be solid Hera began to trust her completely, and even admire her. It was strange now to openly work with her, but she was glad they no longer had to meet in secret.

"So where and what is this information?" Ezra asked looking at Sato.

"It's at an Imperial communications facility on Christophsis..."

Hera thought she saw Ahsoka flinch. But it was so slight she couldn't be sure. I wonder what thats about?

"..And the information is on a data chip which is currently being slowly decrypted in their central data station."

"And what exactly is on this chip?" Kanan asked.

"Bring it back and I can show you." The Commander replied, giving him no further notice.

Hera dragged her eyes from Kanan to the Commander, and crossed her arms."So when do we leave?"



Hey! So still no action! But trust me it's coming! I hope this was good and that you all like it! Im really praying I got the Commander name right from Siege of Lothal. And hey Ahsoka returning to Christophsis?? Wonder how she'll handle that??

Star Wars Rebels: To Save A RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now