A Truth Discovered

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Ahsoka's POV

Ezra's face was close to hers. "Ahsoka?!" He cried, "you're awake!"

She blinked slowly feeling crowded by his closeness. "Yeah." Her voice was quiet.

He sat back in his chair, "We weren't sure when you would wake."

She tried to focus on his words but she was too disoriented.

"How do you feel?' He turned to someone in the room she couldn't see. "She's awake!"

Ezra'a voice went on. She stared at the lights above her. What had happened since their escape? Where were they now? How long had it been? Was Hera ok?

"Ezra?" He didn't hear her. "Ezra?" He faced her again.

"How long.....have I been out?" Her voice was so small that she forgot what it really sounded like.

He frowned. "Yesterday and today. Listen I'll go get the Med Droids."

"Wait, Ezra. Hera? Is she..."

"Right here Ahsoka." Ahsoka turned her head and saw Hera in a similar bed across the room.

Hera looked pale and weak but there was a light in her eyes that shined bright.

Ahsoka closed her eyes in relief with a smile. They were safe. But then a thought dawned on the Togruta. She would never be safe. She opened her blue eyes.

Why didn't Obi-Wan just tell me? She thought. Thinking back she realized his words were so clever.....

Tracked down the Chancellors new apprentice to Mustafar. There we fought......tried my best to save him from Vader. I failed him.....watched as Vader destroyed Anakin......

She took a breath, There we fought...... Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi actually fought. She found it so difficult to  believe. Even now, knowing that it was true, she couldn't imagine Anakin Skywalker raising his lightsaber to strike down his Master. She couldn't imagine him doing any of the things he did.

"Tano? Can you hear me?" The droid's voice echoed through her head and she realized that it was shining a light into her eyes.

"Yes." She answered turning away from the light.

Something flashed behind her eyes. Light. A bright place. A hot place......She shook her head in confusion, she had really gotten hit hard.

"How are you feeling?" It's mechanical voice said.

Mechanical. Like Vader's.

"Should I repeat the question?" The droid asked.

She shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'm fine. Disoriented mostly." Ahsoka answered, not mentioning that her leg was aching and her arms stung as well.

"We can administer more painkillers if you need."

She struggled to sit up. "No need Doctor." A sharp pain in her back made her wince and she lay back down.

"You will have to stay in the Medical Bay for a few more days before you can move freely."

She tried not to glower at his words. How would she keep her mind off terrible things when all she had was time, day after day?

"Don't worry Ahsoka I'll be stuck here here too for awhile." Hera said from across the room.

Ahsoka looked over at Hera and smiled. Together they would be able to keep each other sane.

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