The Hope Of A Rebellion

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Obi-Wan's POV

He'd insisted on accompanying Ahsoka to her ship. He wasn't going to let the Empire take her again. She'd protested but he had pointed out that all those years ago she flew to Polis Massa and got to bid him farewell. He was going to return the favor of saying goodbye to an old friend.

He did regret coming, at least a little bit. Crawling through vents filled with hot sand with sweat dripping into your eyes, was not appealing. And he told himself, he was getting too old for this kind of stuff...well maybe.

"Just up ahead and we'll be right below it." Ahsoka whispered, 10ft ahead of him in the sand filled vents.

He grunted, "Wonderful, I was only just getting warm."

She crouched beneath a grate peering cautiously through the slats as Kenobi slowly squirmed closer.

3ft away he paused. "What's-"

Without a word she quickly leaped up from the vents shoving the grate aside and disappeared.

He sighed, "They were always so alike..."

Taking up more space than the Togruta he had more difficulty sitting beneath the hole. Just as he reached up to pull himself out, Ahsoka appeared inches above him.

"We're clear! And I was wrong we're  next to, not beneath, what took so long?" She said loudly.

Jumping in surprise he hit his head on the ceiling of the shafts.

"Oh you know, just enjoying these marvelous vents." He said grimacing.

She rolled her eyes. "Sorry Obi-Wan, I'm just ready to get out of this desert."

"And I'm ready to get out of these vents." He stiffly clambered out, not nearly as graceful as Ahsoka.

Yep, probably too old.

"Two guards are going to be coming from the east in about five minutes. At least that's was I estimate from what you've told me." Ahsoka said, glancing down the corridor.

They were just outside the hanger door, her ship just steps away.

"Yes and while their not looking for you, it'd be best if you don't run into anyone." Kenobi said shaking the sand out of his cloak.

She turned and faced him. "Thank you. I don't think I said it earlier, but thank you for saving me from the Empire, and telling me the truth. It's been an honor and a relief to see you, and to fight at your side again."

He nodded, "And a great relief to see you alive Ahsoka. I am sorry for keeping the truth from to you. I thought I'd be helping but in fact I only made things worse."

Ahsoka grinned. "So, just like old times then huh?"

He nodded "Yes- wait! No! It was always you and Anakin that needed rescuing and reinforcements! I was the responsible one."

Ahsoka laughed, "Not always!"

Obi-Wan stepped back, stroking his beard thinking. "I'm positive, yes always."

Star Wars Rebels: To Save A RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now