The Illex Protocol

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So for those of you who don't know or remember: Wasskah is planet where Ahsoka was taken to after being kidnapped on Felucia. She was hunted with Jedi younglings that were hiding there. This was in then end of Season 3 of TCW. Episodes: Padawan Lost and Wookie Hunt

Ahsoka's POV

"I grow tired of lies Ahsoka." Vader said. "You are going to tell me where Kenobi is."

She was exhausted. Her limbs ached from the torture and from struggling and flinching when Hera screamed. Her mind felt like putty, her throat burning from her screaming and his choking hand. She longed for the comfort of the Force that she couldn't get with the collar on. She wanted it to be over.

He began to Force choke Hera, "Tell me his location or she dies."

"Kill your only leverage against me?" She didn't bother glaring, she had no energy.

Vader looked to Hera who was barely conscious. "I won't be losing leverage."

Her heart stopped. "What are you talking about?"

"Your compassion betrays you, my old Padawan. There is no shortage of people you care about among the Rebels."

He looked at her. Her heart was rushing in her chest.

"I can easily ensnare the rest of this Rebel group from Lothal that you've grown attached to. All I would need to do was have someone leak your location and they would come running thinking they were saving you and this pilot."

Her breathing slowed. He was right.

Sensing her fear he spoke, "Like I said, you will tell me sooner or later."

She turned her weary head away, heart sinking in despair. What had she done?

Ahsoka looked at Hera. She was pale, weak and struggling. Her green eyes filled with fear and met the Togrutas blue ones. Ahsoka stared back, eyes watering.

"Stop." She wheezed.

The Sith Lord didn't.

"Please! Stop!" She jerked around in the restraints, eyes flashing desperately between him and Hera. His arm was still outstretched.

She couldn't watch. Couldn't stand it anymore. All the pain and suffering. "Please! Anakin if there's anything left of you in there! Please stop killing her!"



Vader lowered his arm. "Anakin is dead."

She nearly sighed aloud. He had stopped. Hera was alive.....barely, but alive.

"You are a greater fool than I thought Ahsoka. Thinking that anything of Skywalker remained." His deep voice droned, as he stood before her. Even in a mechanical body he was still tall.

"But, I could be your Master. Once again you can stand by my side. All you have to do is join me and together we can destroy the Emperor and Obi-Wan. Together we can rule the galaxy!"

Her heart stopped.

"I know you wish for your Master. Let me take his place, and teach you the ways of the Darkside. With it you can achieve power you could never imagine!"

Ahsoka stared. Her mind spiraling. Once my side. Let your Master. Power......rule the Galaxy.....

Her chest ached. She wanted her Master. She wanted to be at his side. She wanted the Emperor dead. Darth Vader wasn't her Master, but maybe she could bring him back....

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