Fulcrum and Vader

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Ahsoka's Pov

Her head hurt. All she could feel was pounding pain. Her throat was raw and sore. Like it had been crushed for a long time. She felt like she was floating, above the ground.

Oh her head ached! Her left headtail was throbbing, though she couldn't think of why. Where was she anyway?

Groaning Ahsoka peeled open her eyes. Her vision was fuzzy and weak. She turned her head, looking around. She was suspended, in a Blue Energy Cage. What happened? Why was she here? Where was here?

It hit her then. The mission, the running. Vader using the Force to choke her. It all going black.

What happened after? Did the Ghost crew get away? She tried to sense for any of them but was jolted with a shock of pain.

"Force collar." She wheezed, then immediately wished she hadn't. Her throat burned.

Her vision still wouldn't focus. She tried sensing the room with her montails but met immediate pain. Whatever happened, had done her a lot of damage.

From what she could see, the room was small and dark with one door and another Energy Cage beside hers. But it wasn't like she could escape. She could barely see.

She wished she could still sense people. She wanted to be able to predict what Vader had planned. But it didn't stop him from sensing her. He would be coming soon knowing that she was conscious. Unless he was with someone else from the Ghost.

Ahsoka shuddered at the thought. And when he came, he'd stop at nothing to get her to talk. Even without the Force she knew his hatred for Obi-Wan was greater that his hatred of her. She wondered what happened between them. She wondered if they fought, and how much could have been prevented if she had stayed by her Masters side so long ago.

Her vision began to clear slowly. As the room came into sharper focus she realized that the door was actually a Ray Shield. Up through it she could see a wall of an empty hallway.

Ray shielded. Well if I had any chance of escaping without help it's gone now. She thought, as her head continued to throb.

It was killing her not knowing what happened to the Ghost and its members. Last she saw, everyone but Hera and herself were aboard. She could only hope that Hera and the Rebels got away in time to avoid capture.

Her thoughts turned to Vader. The monster in her Masters body. She didn't understand, he was supposed to have been the chosen one! But he had become everything he swore to destroy, everything he said he hated. He wasn't her Master anymore. She didn't know if anything of Anakin Skywalker remained behind the mask. It was too foolish to hope.

Approaching footsteps pulled her from her thoughts. Her eyes flashed to the door, and she emptied her mind. She didn't have the Force to keep him out but she could keep her mind blank so he wouldn't have anything to sense.But if he forced his way in, she didn't know how long she could hold him out.

As they came closer she could discern a specific heavy tread. Vader was here. The door shot open and his black figure walked in.

"You have proven to be difficult to catch my old apprentice. I see your skills have grown." Vader said crossing his arms and looking up at her.

She didn't say anything. Deep in her chest, a coil of emotions ached. She just looked into his eyes, or where she knew they were.

"All these years and you have you nothing to say to your Master?" His mechanical deep voice asked.

Ahsoka stealed her gaze. "Only...that...I do not see my Master, only a Monster in a broken body. " Her voice was weak and rough, breath hissing and wheezing.

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