The Space Mom

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Ahsoka's POV

Christophsis. The name of the planet was etched into Ahsoka's mind. This is where she had met her Master. Participated in her first act of The Clone Wars. He mind drifted to her nightmare.

"I'm Ahsoka. Master Yoda sent me.."

Her thoughts were interrupted by Zeb and Chopper clanging and yelling as they boarded the Ghost, that she, Hera, Kanan, and Ezra were already aboard.

They're little uproar sent a smile her her face. She used to be just like that. Yelling and antsy, always wanting a fight.

"Sabine better hurry up. She's the one with the information on how to get the data chip from their security systems." Kanan said worriedly.

Ahsoka settled down in the cockpit behind Hera and Kanan.

"She'll be here in time don't worry" Hera's calming voice said.

She didn't know how Hera did it. Keeping all the crew together in what seemed like chaos but was really organization. Ahsoka would've lost her patience, or gone along with the kids. Some things never change.

"Well! I'm here! You weren't gonna leave without me were ya?" Sabine asked as she dashed aboard.

"Waa wawuwawa woo wa" Chopper grumbled.

"Aw come on Chopper you don't mean that" Sabine said. She headed for the back room.

Choppers mumbling grew faint as they disappeared.

"So, Hera how do you feel about the plan?" Ahsoka said.

"It's a dangerous one but we can pull it off. We've been on many hard missions." Hera started flipping switches and the Ghost roared to life. "Here we go guys!"

They shot out into the black of space.

The first ten minutes went without incident. Then there was a crash and Erza's muffled "Hey!"

Hera groaned and Kanan chuckled.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see what they're up to." Ahsoka stood, leaving the two alone.

She turned the corner and found Ezra underneath Zeb, as Zeb clutched Chopper in one arm and hit him with another.

"Dumb astromech! We should've replaced you long ago!" Zeb cried.

"Hey! I can't breathe!!!" Ezra called from below.

Sabine sat on the counter laughing at the boys.

The whole situation was so strange that the Togruta too began to laugh for the first time in months.

Suddenly noticing that she was there. Zeb, Chopper, and Ezra froze.

Zeb threw Chopper off him and stood, freeing Ezra from below. "Oh uh we were just-checking his circuits." Zeb said hastily.

"Like she's gonna believe that." Sabine said jumping down.

Ezra stood, "Yeah just checking out Chopper"

"Woowa wuawa" Chopper protested.

Ahsoka smiled. "Sure thing guys. Just be careful not to remove anything vital? He needs to pilot the Ghost for us on Christophsis."

Zeb stood straighter. "Yes no problem."

Ahsoka turned and walked away, smiling when she heard,

"I'm going to tear that astromech to pieces when we're done with this mission!"

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