A Desert Mirage

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Hera's POV

As the med droid finally rolled away Hera glanced up at Kanan who stood beside her bed. He had hardly left the medical bay since she and Ahsoka returned. Sabine had told her he asked so many questions that the droids kicked him out. Which, Sabine said, had been very brave because he looked ready to slash them to bits with his lightsaber. Hera smiled to herself. His worry was sweet.

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking down at her.

"Better. I almost feel normal." She answered semi-truthfully.

He frowned. "Hera your not 'normal' you've only been here since yesterday morning and half of today. Which is nowhere near enough recovery for what happened."

She sighed inwardly. She knew he was right. Her body still ached and was weak. She was just so worried about Ahsoka. She thought that if she could recover quickly, Ahsoka would too. She thought if she could stand without pain, Ahsoka would at least wake up.

"You're right." She glanced at Ahsoka who lay on the medical bed on the other side of the room, "I'm worried Kanan, she's so strong she should've woken by now."

He looked over to Ahsoka. Hera noticed that worry clouded his features. "We're all worried. I know you want to help her but you can't do that until you're completely well."

"What did the Medical droid say about her condition?" Hera asked. She had been asleep when they had first arrived and got care for their injuries.

He looked back down to her. "They said that she should have been unconscious for only a short time. But since she was so weak and drained, her body didn't have enough energy for her to wake." His eyes turned to Ahsoka again, "So she slipped into a coma. They're slowly giving her the nutrients and medicine she needs to get her strength and wake...at least, that's what's supposed to happen." A shadow passed over his face.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Hera said urgently, frowning at him.

He seemed to hesitate. Unsure of what he was going to say. "Jedi are different than normal people." His eyes met hers. "As you well know."

She stared back and nodded.

"I don't think that her coma is just the cause of her weak body and head injuries." He narrowed his eyes. "I think it has something to do with her connection to the Force as a Jedi."

"What do you mean Kanan?" Hera said in confusion. "She's having a....vision, or something?"

"Of sorts. I've sensed something off with her. It's like she's experiencing a memory."

Hera shook her head carefully. "But isn't that normal for anyone? To relive memories within a coma?"

He looked at the Togruta, "I suppose, except she doesn't know that it's a memory. She believes it's truly happening. But I think there's a reason why she's remembering..."

"But if she does think that it's really happening, that what's gonna keep her from still believing that when she wakes? What if all she believes is what she's remembering now?"

"I don't know. I just sense that what she remembers will be important." Kanan laid his hand on Hera's. "She'll wake. Don't worry."

Ahsoka's POV

Ahsoka was in the clouded dark. She felt as though she was asleep, but it was different. Ahsoka felt like she was floating in the Force, despite the darkness. She sensed it's fulfilling power and strength. But she needed to wake up. Senator Organa had said that he would help her leave and find a place to hide.

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