The Great and Mighty: Jabba the Hutt

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Ahsoka's POV

Obi-Wan. Why didn't you tell me?

Life was a blur of colors and sounds. Her head, stuffed with bleak clouds that stung her brain.

Ahsoka, trust me. I know that it's hard to comprehend, but I tell you the truth, as terrible as it may be.

Lies. Lies that ran deep. Rooted into the crevasses of her torn heart. Lies that felt like a million needles ripping through her heart, and left it torn swaying in the wind that whispers truth.

A storm brewed from the clouds, rattling her mind. Things that couldn't be true became reality. Lies disguised as truths.

Something shook her body. Something burned her body. Some pain that hurt so bad, she was screaming inside, Make it stop!

Life was a blur of sounds and colors. Someone was yelling in delirious pain. Someone was cursing. Something dark kissed her eyes, and feather breaths left her lips. In and out.

Someone shook her, grabbed her mind and tore out the clouds. Ahsoka woke, laying in a speeder, unstoppable pain caressed her leg. Her vision was blurry and she seemed to be flying past the night.

Images came back to her, fire, lasers lightsabers. Bounty Hunter. Ahsoka started, and tried to sit up. She couldn't move.

Boba Fett sat next to her driving. She could only move her eyes, couldn't even open her mouth to speak. He seemed to know what she was thinking.

"Temporary paralysis. It'll wear off." He didn't even spare her a glance.

She closed her eyes, trying to hold back tears from the pain in her leg. Her throat was dry and itching for water. She couldn't focus, couldn't formulate a plan. Where was he taking her?

She wanted to turn her head away. Wished he couldn't see the tears that ran down her face. Wished she hadn't been so incredibly stupid. Wished she had at least taken a sip of the drink she bought back at the saloon. She was foolish, hadn't been careful. All she had wanted was to find someone. Someone she knew from her past. And that had been her mistake.

Attachment is deadly.

Sand dunes grew larger, Boba said nothing, and Ahsoka looked up to recognize the palace of the one and only Jabba the Hutt. This was getting better and better.

~ ~ ~

Ahsoka stumbled down the dank hall, the Bounty Hunter hauling her along,  body tired from lack of water. Her hands were cuffed in front of her, and her body tingled as her it became her own again. She tried to keep off her leg as best she could, but it wasn't working well. She kept gasping in pain with each step they took.

They rounded a corner, Boba dragged her down some steps that she had walked down years ago cradling a baby Hutt. She yelled out in pain as they descended.

Boba led her into a large room, alien species of every kind were scattered about. Music was playing from a Jazz band in the corner and a pair of Twi'lek women were chained and dancing in the center of the room. Ahsoka couldn't help but think of Hera.

Boba roughly turned her to the front of the room and stood behind her. His grip on her arms was the only reason she was standing. Ahsoka faced the shadows the concealed Jabba the Hutt.

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