1-1. A sudden wake.

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Arc 1: In the Depths of Alchamara.

Chapter 1: A sudden wake.

Adam's POV

"UGH! My goddam head!" I screamed in agony. I had no idea what happened after provoking that wannabe god, but all I could focus on was the relentless pain.

Rolling on the cold, hard ground, I sensed both wetness and coldness. In my disoriented state, I would have done anything to escape the torment.

After a while, exhaustion set in, the pain subsided a bit, and I could finally think and assess my surroundings.

I tried opening my eyes, but they refused to open up, so the only thing I could do was to feel and sense what was going on around me. The was first sensations I registered were the cold, unyielding ground beneath me and the unsettling wetness. But the water was very sticky so it wasn't water; the smell was all too familiar.

Blood... No, I'm the one bleeding.

The realization hit me like a bolt. The splitting pain in my head wasn't just a headache; it was an injury. On the ground, I reached for my head, exploring to assess the damage.

Thankfully, my head wasn't split open, but I could feel a sizable gash that needed urgent attention unless I wanted to become a retard for the rest of my life.

Surveying my surroundings, I tried to call for help but I had no energy to scream let alone stand up.

After a little while, I could finally open my eyes and the darkness surrounded me, except for a faint sun ray piercing through from right above me. I immediately deduced that I had fallen into a large hole, surrounded by a mix of dirt and stone.

Regardless, I didn't want to dwell on it. I attempted to swiftly rip apart my clothes to fashion a makeshift bandage, but a problem emerged.

I wasn't able to tear open my clothes.


It was then that I noticed how thin and small my hands had become.

What in the world...?

A sudden wave of realization hit me. Now, with a pounding pain in my head, bleeding profusely, and devoid of energy to stand or call for help, I came to the stark awareness that I now had the arms of a child.

I almost accepted my fate of dying again, but just when all hope seemed lost, my body started glowing for some reason, and some kind of warmth overtook me. The pain suddenly subsided enough to let me think, and I felt like the opened gash on my head had closed down.

My body relaxed a bit, and exhaustion finally overtook me. While I had many questions, my weariness proved the stronger adversary, and I succumbed to its embrace.

I woke up later and noticed that the little sunshine coming down from the hole was gone which meant the night had risen. I didn't know how long I had slept but it wasn't a bad thing since now my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, so I could see a bit in this pitch-black environment, but it didn't matter; I still couldn't discern faraway details.

Sitting up, I felt the cold and wet ground beneath me, damp with my own blood. I didn't mind it much because I had more discerning things to check. The first thing I checked after waking up was my body. Besides the gash, I noticed that I had the arms of a kid, not my usual toned and muscular ones that I took pride in.

"Wait... doesn't that mean..." I imidiately Panicked and my hands went straight to my crotch, I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt a small bulge there.

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