1-9.5 (Side Story)

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Side Story: Missing Alper part 2

Olyver Rein POV

The journey back to House Luminari unfolded in agonizing steps, each stride weighed down by an overwhelming sense of suffocation, urging me to flee from the unbearable reality. Eva trailed behind me, her presence marked by a quiet, palpable depression. She moved with a subdued demeanor, a reflection of the collective weight of sorrow that seemed to have drained the life from her eyes. Yet, I couldn't fault her; the shared tragedy we carried was a burden too heavy for words.

Gripping what remained of the young lord as evidence of his tragic end, I grappled with the task of delivering the news to our superiors. Questions tormented my thoughts—had we been too slow in our search? Was there anything more we could have done to save him? The young master's harrowing days trapped in an inescapable hole, only to meet a grisly fate at the hands of some monstrous entity, haunted my contemplations.

I looked ahead and finally saw the towering walls of House Luminari, it felt like ages had passed away. Contrary to initial assumptions, House Luminari wasn't just a big house; it stood as a clan, equipped with the full spectrum of facilities and infrastructure.

My responsibility now lay in presenting our report to our leader, knowing that an impending interview awaited us. The gravity of our failure loomed over us, with deadly consequences set to unfold once the consequences of our actions were laid bare.

As we reached the gates of our clan, an unexpected figure caught my attention—Erza Ironshaper. He strode purposefully into the clan, his back facing us, but his long red hair stood out unmistakably. Erza, one of the most formidable Metalweavers in the clan, held the crucial responsibility of training the young generation, including our young master. A man of few words, he possessed a keen intellect, strictness tempered with humility, and was universally respected by all who looked up to him.

"Sir Erza," it wasn't my voice but Eva's that called out. Glancing back at her, I witnessed a look of horror on her face, as if the sight of Sir Erza had caused her to reach a breaking point. Falling to her knees, she began to apologize profusely.

Fortunately, the cover of night shielded our vulnerable states from prying eyes. Erza, turning around to assess our condition, shifted from his usual stoicism to a more serious demeanor.


Erza Ironshaper POV

"...And then you immediately concluded that the Young Lord was dead?" I inquired, my tone laden with weariness.

"Yes, Sir," Olyver replied, his voice tinged with resignation.

Pinching my temples, I surveyed the sorry states of the rescue team before me. Alper's disappearance had thrown our entire clan into disarray, the chaos escalating with each passing day. Morale among the troops had plummeted, and the atmosphere within our clan was fraught with tension. If word of our vulnerability reached our rival clans, we would be attacked almost instantly.

I didn't have much of an opinion on Alper; he was a sweet child, and my role was merely that of his teacher in Metalweaving. Despite my attempts to impart the basics of the craft, he consistently veered towards Alchemy for reasons unknown. However, what truly irked me were these two hapless individuals before me.

"So, you discovered that not only was the cave intentionally concealed, implyingan assassination attempt, but you also came across Alper's shoes and immediately assumed he was dead?" I questioned, my frustration evident in my tone.

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