1-14. Nocturnal Groove.

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Chapter 14: Nocturnal Groove.

Adam POV

Man, those last five minutes were straight out of a fever dream. I mean, what even happened back there? Phasing through buildings, witnessing things I never thought I'd see, pulling off stunts even a grown-up would hesitate to attempt...

These runes are like playing Russian roulette with magic—sometimes they're a godsend, other times they're a curse straight from the depths of heck. And don't even get me started on their supposed functions. Like, what's the deal with the chaos effect being the star of the show? Shouldn't the runes themselves be stealing the spotlight? And the cherry on top? I won't get to know the answer until I've used each one of them once which leaves only the rune of fortification the only one I haven't used yet.

As I rumbled through the wilderness on the motorbike, feeling like a giant in a mini car, I couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected light show nature was putting on. Glowing plants, floating orbs—it was like stumbling into a rave party hosted by Mother Nature herself. And let's not forget the glowing pond with its own personal rain cloud. Talk about a surreal sightseeing tour.

But amidst all this luminescent wonder, reality came knocking back with the return of the bike's noisy engine. Suddenly, my covert escape felt a lot less stealthy. I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there were more ways for those clan folks to track me down than I had fingers to count them.

"Alper, I have several questions." Nove said. She had been asking for a long time and had been nagging me all this time to explain myself, which I haven't done so.

"Nove, I promise I'll spill the beans on everything later," I reassured her, trying to quiet her incessant curiosity. "Right now, I just need you to trust me."

With a quiet sigh from Nove, I finally found a spot to stash the bike using a little earthbending trickery. Dirt block here, motorbike there—hidden in plain sight. Who needs a GPS when you've got a magic Ai to keep tabs on your hiding spots?

Hiding the bike was a no-brainer. I mean, if those clan folks are tracking my every move like nosy neighbors, the last thing I need is a neon sign pointing to my exact location. Plus, navigating the wilderness on foot might give me a better chance of blending in with the scenery—like a ninja, but with less cool ninja skills and more stumbling over tree roots.

Nove's warning about nighttime monster mash-ups definitely added some spice to the mix. And with half my NEP already spent, I knew I had to tread carefully. Swapping out the stone core node for the dirt one seemed like a smart move—gotta keep those dirt boots in tip-top shape for all the impromptu cardio sessions ahead. A quick Base arts repair job later, and voila, good as new.

Surviving this wild ride was suddenly my main mission. And let's face it, in a world where glowing ponds and floating orbs are just the tip of the iceberg, I might need more than luck to make it through the night in one piece.

I looked around in this forest could help but be awed, guided by the soft glow of the luminescent forest, I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant and surreal sights around me. A deer with its antlers adorned in glowing fungi gracefully pranced away, leaving me in awe. It was a stark contrast to the bright cities I was used to, and I couldn't deny that this unexpected natural beauty felt like a breath of fresh air.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to consult Nove, "Nove, can you point me to any nearby human settlement?" I asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to disturb the enchanting serenity of the surroundings.

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