1-13. Bootleg Batman.

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Chapter 13: Bootleg Batman

Adam's POV


The footsteps kept getting closer, and my mobster instincts kicked in. I rushed toward the window, slammed it open, ready to make a daring escape... only to realize I was on the fourth floor. Dropping down from here would definitely break my kneecaps, especially in this kid-sized body. No time to admire the view, every second counted.


I scratched my head, took a quick peek out the window, and went, "Eh, whatever. Time to roll the dice!"

You know, chaos runes are like my own little set of mystery dice. No rulebook, just hoping for a critical hit. I still don't know what the actual effect of the runes are, and until Nove figures it out, I can only use them as a game of chance. I threw on a couple of support runes on myself, hoping that they'd stack,

Please give me a NAT 20.

Rune of Sul Effect: Camouflage.
Rune of Sul Effect: Failed.
Rune of Sul Effect: Failed.

Well, would you look at that? As expected, only one rune at a time. And what's this "camouflage" thing anyway?

And just like a wizard responding to a desperate prayer, poof! I slowly went invisible.


Alright, so they might have some kind of fancy schmancy ability to spot invisible folks, and if they do, I'm toast. So, just for giggles and to keep 'em on their toes, I figured I'd toss down a rune of disaster. Hey, what's the worst that could happen? Famous last words, right?

So, I etched the Rune of Disaster (Del) onto the floor and boom! It lit up like a Christmas tree.

Rune of Del Effect: Shockwave.

Shockwave? Like, a non-lethal explosion or something?

No sooner had that thought crossed my mind, I found myself airborne, along with everything else in the room. I landed with a thud near the corner, and just like clockwork, the door swung open with a resounding bang. Smooth move, Alper, real smooth.

Some flashy armored folks barged into the room Some of them were dressed up as ninjas too, led by a dude with long red locks. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost before blurting out a choice curse. Then, a mix of anger and concern flashed across his face as he made a beeline for the window I'd popped open.

"Alper, What are you doing? That's Erza your teacher, he's here to bring you back." Nove chimed in.

Nove, please shut up. There ain't no way I'm goin back right now.

I reckon Nove sensed my stubbornness 'cause she clammed up real quick. I slunk into the corner, quietly observing the chaos unfold. I didn't recognize these folks, but Erza seemed to know me.

Erza seemed on a mission, barking orders to his crew before leaving us alone in the chaotic room. My invisibility was like a ticking time bomb, so I figured it was high time to sneak away while he was busy snooping around.

Our eyes met for a split second, and faster than you can say "Bazinga," he whipped out his blade. The metallic symphony echoed through the room as the sword materialized in his grip, pointing menacingly in my direction.

"If you won't show yourself, I'll slice this room in half," he declared, scanning for any sign of me.

Now, I don't know if that was an empty threat or a cold, hard fact, but I wasn't planning to stick around and find out. Just as I was about to make my grand escape, a pop-up window appeared right in front of me.

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