1-6.5 (Side Story)

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Side Story: Missing Alper Part 1.

Olyver Rein POV

In the heart of the dark and vast wilderness, my partner Eva and I pressed on, determined to find our missing young master. Eva, her slender form silhouetted against the ominous backdrop, voiced the question that lingered in the air. "How long have we been looking for the Young master?" she inquired, her voice cutting through the quiet of the night. Eva's golden locks framed her beautiful face, and her piercing green eyes scanned the shadows for any sign of our elusive charge.

We both donned sleek Metal Armor adorned with intricate gold linings, the armor gleaming faintly in the dim light. A small black lamp, affixed to our hips, cast an expansive glow across the rugged terrain, revealing the tangled wilderness that surrounded us. The metallic clinks of our armor resonated with each step, harmonizing with the nocturnal symphony of howls, rustles, and distant roars from unseen creatures.

"3? 4 days?" I replied with a grim expression, the weight of our mission evident in my voice. The creaking noises emanating from our metal lamps provided a discordant rhythm, accompanying us through the eerie silence of the woods.

The nights in these woods held an unpredictable menace, where danger lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce. Monsters and animals blended seamlessly with the darkness, their presence hinted at by the unsettling sounds that echoed through the trees. Yet, despite the palpable peril, Eva and I, seasoned soldiers with a shared purpose, pressed forward. We were one of the few chosen to form a rescue group tasked with finding our young lord Alper.

A worried sigh escaped from Eva's lips, carrying the weight of her concern. "I just hope our young master is fine. He's just a small and kind kid," she expressed with genuine anxiety. Eva, always wearing her heart on her sleeve, was known for her emotional nature, and in this moment, her fears mirrored those of the entire group.

Our young master, Alper, had embodied innocence and warmth from the very beginning. His playful demeanor and affable nature endeared him to all, creating an atmosphere of joy wherever he went. It wasn't a matter of rank or status; encountering him inevitably brought smiles to faces.

"I hope he's fine too," I replied, my voice laced with shared concern. My gaze remained sharp and vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any potential threat. The mere thought of harm befalling Alper sent shivers through me. "I can't imagine the chaos that will come to the clan if anything happens to him," I added, acknowledging the potential repercussions that loomed over our mission.

The disappearance of our young lord from House Luminari had plunged our once-stable clan into disarray. The venerable matriarch, also Alper's grandmother, displayed uncharacteristic signs of distress, her normally sharp mind clouded by the weight of worry. Simple mistakes, foreign to even the common soldier, escaped her in moments of melancholy.

The usually kind and patient lord, Alper's father, now grappled with erratic behavior and a quick temper. Even his wife, known for her jolly and adventurous spirit, had withdrawn into the depths of her room, succumbing to a pervasive depression that gripped the entire household.

"Do you think he might be kidnapped?" Eva's voice trembled with concern, her worry palpable in the air.

"Were you not paying attention to the briefing?" I responded, a touch of sternness in my tone. "A different group is assigned in case the young lord is kidnapped; our group is tasked with searching for him in case he's lost in the wilderness."

Eva continued, her voice tinged with apprehension, "But for a young child to be missing for about 3 days in the wilderness... He wasn't even talented in Metal Weaving either. His chances of surviving are—"

"Eva," I interrupted, my tone firm and decisive. "Unless we have proof, we can't assume anything. So let's focus on our objective to find the young lord. Time is of the essence."

"Yea, you're right," she conceded, a shared determination overshadowing the lingering worry.

Our patrol led us along the formidable Mountain range line, a series of towering peaks that acted as an impenetrable barrier, separating this region from the unknown expanse beyond. The unyielding mountains served as both a natural border and a fortress, limiting our movements to the side we currently traversed.

As we strolled and engaged in casual conversation, the tranquility was shattered when Eva suddenly yelped in panic, stumbling to the ground. "I told you to be careful, didn't I?" I remarked, extending a hand to help her back on her feet.

"But I was being careful... Hey, what's that?" Eva pointed to the spot where she had tripped, drawing our attention to a small hole cunningly concealed by flora and leaves.

My gaze sharpened, suspicion lingering in the air. "Hmm, let's check it out just in case," I suggested to Eva. Crouching down, I brushed away the deceptive foliage to reveal the concealed orifice. Retrieving the lamp from my hip, I illuminated the small hole, realizing it was too diminutive for adults like us to stumble into. However, for a child like our young master, it posed a significant risk.

Squinting my eyes to discern the details, the shocking sight before me compelled a horrified expression. "...Blood," I uttered, my voice laced with both disbelief and dread. The realization was swift, triggering an instinctive response from both Eva and me.

Our training kicked in like second nature, and without hesitation, Eva utilized her metal-weaving skills to enlarge the hole enough for us to descend. I leaped into the opening, landing safely without any injuries. However, the scene that greeted us below was unsettling — the ground was marred with old blood, a grim testament to days gone by.

As Eva joined me, the pungent scent of blood engulfed us, inducing panic and trembling in her. Her voice, tinged with terror, wavered as she voiced her fears, "H-Hey, you don't think that our young maste-"

"Calm down. And look around first," I interjected, my gaze probing the surroundings for clues. Observing the missing blocks of dirt and stone from the walls, a realization dawned on me. Whoever had fallen down here was small, like a kid, and more importantly, still alive. The walls bore evidence of attempted escape, with holes shaped in a way that suggested a child had tried to climb out. However, the weakened structure of the wall had given way during the escape attempt, explaining the presence of the small blood spatters and the ominous feeling that lingered in the air.

"Whoever was stuck here was definitely a small kid and not very good at metal weaving to get out of here," I observed, my horror mirrored in Eva's expression. She pressed her hands to her mouth, struggling to contain any involuntary screams that threatened to escape.

"The young master," she uttered weakly, the name hanging heavy in the air.

"There's no body! He might still be alive," I declared, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of our missing charge. Spotting a trail of blood leading towards an entrance, a surge of urgency propelled me into action. Without hesitation, I began to run, the cave's oppressive darkness giving way only to the feeble glow of our lamps. The narrow beam illuminated the small but ominous path of blood on the floor, a chilling indicator that Alper had passed through.

Eva kept pace behind me, her emotional turmoil etched across her face. Her empathy, particularly when it involved children, added to the weight of the situation. Each passing second intensified the twisting sensation in my gut, echoing the silent dread that accompanied us as we plunged deeper into the unknown depths of the cave.

"Young Master! Are you there! Alper! We're the rescue team!" I shouted into the echoing cave, desperately clinging to the hope that he might still be alive. However, my pleas were met with a grim discovery that brought me to an abrupt halt.

"No," I uttered, my voice choked with disbelief, as my eyes fixated on a pool of fresh blood and a pair of small shoes that I recognized all too well. "Young master," I whispered, my voice hoarse, and a sickening realization gripped me. It appeared we had arrived too late — some malevolent force, perhaps a monstrous entity, had taken Alper before us, leaving no trace behind except for the haunting evidence of his demise.

"Oh God," I muttered, a heavy sense of loss settling over me.

The weight of the moment bore down on my shoulders as I grappled with the devastating truth. I didn't even had the heart to turn around and console the screaming Eva.

What was I supposed to tell the clan now?

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