1-6. Escape Plan

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Chapter 6: Escape plan

Adam's POV

"I can't sleep," I confessed after an hour of futile attempts. Perhaps it was too soon after waking up. "Nove."

She responded promptly, "Yes? How can I help you, Alper?"

Alper? Who's tha- Oh right, that's the kid's name I'm currently possessing.

"Tell me about my parents," I requested, curious about a life beyond the mob, where people cared about more than just progress.

"Your parents are from a minor clan of House Celestium, House Luminari. Your father is Lord Alaric Luminari, the heir to become the next patriarch, and your mother is Aria Stormweaver, the head of Luminari's nexus studies."

"Wait a damn minute," I interrupted our conversation, suddenly feeling a rush of nervousness. "Nove, what do you mean by clans? What's a major and a minor clan?"

Nove explained, "The world of Alchamera is led by kingdoms and various major clans. Your major clan is called House Celestium, and you're in one, among many, minor clan of House Celestium."

I couldn't help but draw parallels to my past life in the mob.

Oi, why is this reminding me a lot of my mob days? I DON'T WANT TO BECOME A MOBSTER AGAIN AND BECOME SOME SHITTER'S LAPDOG!

Turning to Nove with a sense of urgency, I questioned, "Nove, tell me one thing, do these minor clans have to listen to anything the major clans say? And do these minor clans do, umm, how do you say it? Wet jobs?"

She responded matter-of-factly, "As long as it's the major clan's command, the minor clan has to do it, no matter how dirty the job is."

Ah, shit. I just got transported to another world as another mobster. No way in hell am I going to wait for a rescue.

"Okay, Nove, change of plans. We have to get out of here on our own; we can't wait for a rescue," I declared.

I couldn't bear the thought of being someone's lap dog again, doing dirty work on someone else's command. If I was going to engage in such activities, it would be on my terms.

"Alper, I don't think that's a good idea. You have sufficient nutritional value to wait for a rescue," Nove countered.

I dismissed her concern, saying, "Nove, I doubt anyone's gonna care for a small child that fell 30 feet in a hole. I bet they already think I'm dead and won't spend resources to get a body back."

Nove persisted, "I will disagree; your mother and father love you very much."

As long as you're useful, everyone will love you... I know that all too well.

"I don't care, Nove. I've made my decision."

"I can't stop you If that's what you'd like. But I'd recommend waiting."

I stood up and checked my stats. My NEP had regenerated a bit, it's sitting at a good value of 207 right now so that's good, problem is that I don't know how to get out of here.

Tried making a dirt ladder. Nope, crumbled under my weight. Adhesive? Not strong enough for a fusion forge masterpiece. Stone ladder? Impossible to carry. I even considered poking some holes in the wall to climb out, but each attempt ended with the dirt giving way, and me falling.

Couldn't help but mutter, "Come on, Alper, learning a little Metalweaving wouldn't have hurt, you know?"

I sighed, feeling stuck in this predicament. The prospect of going back to a life of mobster-style activities was not something I relished. But then, a spark of hope: what if there was another way out?

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