1-18. Kingdom of Kardok.

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Chapter 18: Kingdom of Kardok.

Adam's POV

Finally, after bumming around this world for a couple of days, I've scored myself a crib... sorta.

But if I can go there, I can story my things, gather things, make new things, learn, read, and finally make that damn alchemical circle that is needed for doing almost anything alchemical.

Honestly the more I thought about it, the more excited I got.

As Nishra was about to escort me to this place called Ash Crystal Academy, She told me that it's about a half-day trek from where we were. Bit of a hike, but turns out Nishra had been on the hunt for a student for nearly a week. Looks like scouting wasn't exactly her strong suit, and that's probably 'cause she's a rookie teacher.

Anyway, getting there was a breeze. Nishra whipped out her ghostly wolf again, and it morphed into a rideable size. She hopped on, and I reluctantly took the spot in front of her, making sure not to bail off accidentally. Surprisingly, the wolf's fur was softer than expected. Despite being see-through, it felt like stroking a cloud. With one last glance back, the wolf revved up and bolted towards the academy.

Honestly, that wolf was hauling like a car... without a windshield.

I clung to it for dear life; letting go would've sent me flying. During that wild ride, my face contorted and twisted like I was in front of a turbocharged fan. Couldn't hear a thing, let alone shoot the breeze in that position. Wanted to summon my Valkyrie frame, but I was scared Nishra's hand might get caught in the armor's transformation, so I held off on that.

Nishra herself was stone-cold, not giving a hoot as the ghostly wolf decided to kick it up a notch every now and then. I had to do the funky chicken with one arm flailing for Nishra to finally catch on that something was off.

Once we hit the brakes, Nishra handed me a helmet for survival. The thing had two tiny holes for my eyes, but the visibility was atrocious—more like having a cauldron on my noggin.

Nishra raised an eyebrow when I spilled the beans about my puny endurance at a measly 7 points. The shock on her face was priceless when she realized her that she could've cutted me in half with her crazy wind blade throwing dance. But, I shrugged it off, wearing Valkyrie's frame boosted my endurance by a whopping 30 points, but since I couldn't see Nishra's face behind her helmet, I figured she'd either caught on or was still perplexed. Oh well, life goes on.

With the helmet muffling any chance of conversation and the wind doing its best to drown out any potential chit-chat, I decided to have a heart-to-heart with Nove. Basic intel was the name of the game—currency, price ranges, cultural do's and don'ts—essential stuff for blending in with the locals.

Nove, bless her virtual heart, was clueless about cultural nuances. Thanks, Alper! On the bright side, she did drop some knowledge about the currency in circulation. Gilded Aurens (GA) were the big shots, while Silver Aurens (SA) played second fiddle, with 10 SAs making one GA. There were other currencies floating around, but GA and SA were the heavy hitters.

After a few hours of holding onto the ghostly wolf for dear life, the majestic creature decided to take a breather, allowing me to peel off that claustrophobic helmet. I squinted through the helmet's tiny holes, catching a glimpse of something on the horizon.

"Is that... a city?" I wondered aloud, realizing I couldn't get a proper look with the helmet on.

With a sigh of relief, I yanked the helmet off and approached the cityscape. As I drew closer, the city unfolded like a dream cast in stone and steel. Towering buildings with intricate carvings and ethereal spires rose within colossal walls, ancient sentinels standing tall. The fortifications, wrapped in a shroud of history and mystery, cradled the city in a protective ring.

What stole the show, though, was the massive transparent dome crowning the walls. A celestial crown of crystal and magic bathed the city in an iridescent glow. It rested delicately, revealing the vibrant hues of the city and creating a mesmerizing dance with the changing sky. It was like a piece of art, inviting all who saw it.

As my eyes followed the sinuous curves of the expansive walls, the sheer magnitude of their design became apparent. Stretching endlessly to the left and right, the circular walls were a testament to a bygone era's architectural prowess. The city lay cradled within this enchanting embrace, guarded by the ancient stones that wove a protective circle around its heart. It was like time itself had crafted a haven, keeping the city's secrets hidden within the seamless dance of ancient stones.

"Whoa," I blurted out, unable to contain my awe.

Nishra, seemingly unfazed by the view, initiated a casual conversation. "We're almost there, so we can take it slow from here. If you have any questions, fire away. Once we go inside, it's straight to the academy."

"Awesome, I've got some questions," I replied, seizing the opportunity.

We strolled at a leisurely pace, and I fired off my queries. Nishra, true to her style, provided straightforward answers.

"Why is there a dome on top of the city?"

"To keep flying monsters away."

"Do I need to follow specific mannerisms or adhere to cultural values?"

"Nope, just be yourself."

"What's the name of this city?"

"Kingdom of Kardok."

"About the academy..."

And so, my barrage of questions continued. Nove chipped in with common knowledge. In a nutshell, Nishra was a newly assigned combat teacher, and the academy housed a variety of instructors specializing in Metalweaving, alchemy, machinery, monsters, ecology, business, and more. While teachers held classes for a general audience, they also had a select few students, akin to disciples. These students received in-depth teachings, although they could still learn from other instructors. However, once you were a teacher's student, switching allegiances wasn't an option.

Since Nishra was quite stubborn and selective, she only took in students who both caught her interest and were strong enough to back it up. Finding no such students, she abandoned the idea and resorted to scouring the wilderness for formidable kids she could essentially kidnap.

I'd love to call her logic flawed, but considering she successfully captured me, I can't argue against it. When I mentioned my amnesia and lack of memories, she simply shrugged it off.

"Don't worry; I'll teach you the basics of everything again if need be. You're my student now, and I'll make sure you become the best there is."

Her determination wiped away any lingering doubts I had about joining her. Still, I couldn't help but inquire about the Kingdom's clans and whether any influential ones were on the radar.

I asked about the clans because I definitely didn't want a repeat of what went down last time. Escaping from House Luminari was a miracle I still can't explain.

Nishra's response didn't exactly calm my nerves. "The minor clans with some sway there are Ignisforge and House Atherium, known as Cinderclasp and Nimbus Kin."

Phew, okay. At least I won't bump into anyone from my clan—"

Before I could finish my thought, Nove's frantic voice cut in. "Warning Host. The person who tried to kill you is from the minor clan Cinderclasp, and your betrothed hails from Nimbus Kin."

Seriously? Is this some kind of joke? But still, what are the chances both of those people are here right?

"Actually, now that you mention it," Nishra added, "I heard the heirs of those clans are staying in this kingdom due to some tragedy that fell on House Luminari. Their names are Dalton from Cinderclasp and Lydia from Nimbus Kin."

"Reminding host: Dalton is the one who tried killing you. Lydia is your fiancée."

Of course. Because my life isn't complicated enough already.




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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