1-16. The journey.

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Chapter 16: The journey.

Adam's POV

I hung out with the specters for quite a while. They were like my own personal tour guides, showing me the ins and outs of this enchanted forest, from its mystical creatures to its magical landscapes.

They even played host and treated me to some snacks, and before I knew it, time just kept on slipping away. But as much as I enjoyed the company, I couldn't stay forever. There were a bunch of things on my to-do list, like figuring out if House Luminari is a trustworthy clan, setting up my own information network, maybe enrolling in a school to level up my Metalweaving skills, and, you know, unraveling the mysteries of this wild world.

Sure, Nove was my trusty, and powerful ally, but even she couldn't spill the beans on things Alper didn't know. Ask her about the Alper family, and she'd rave about their niceness. But try to dig into the nitty-gritty details of their military might or organizational structure, and she'd stare back at me like a blank page. Turns out, Alper wasn't exactly a scholar on those subjects. He was more of an alchemical aficionado, with a knack for knowing what flora, metals, materials, animals, monsters, habitats, and everything in between could do. Go figure!

But, if I ask Nove about the current state of affairs in the world? Who's calling the shots? Who's locked in a heated battle? She's back to being a blank slate.

Anyway, the specters don't seem to grasp my language. When I chat with them, they just tilt their heads and give me that puzzled stare. At first, these ghostly widows with their white veils seemed kinda spooky. But now? They're downright adorable. Even though I'm stuck in the body of a 14-year-old, my mind's got the mileage of a 30-year-old vet. So watching them hop around whenever I'm feeling chipper is just too darn cute.

Nevertheless, I hung out with my spectral big sisters for a good while, but with the sunrise creeping in, it was time to hit the road. I asked Nove to point me in the direction of the nearest kingdom or human settlement she knew of, and off we went. The specters may not have understood my words, but they nodded along and even grabbed my hand, guiding me towards the spot I was pointing at.

As the sun climbed the sky, the magical ambiance of the forest started to wane. The once sparkling and glowing flora now faded under the sun's light. On the flip side, the specters' pure white veils transformed into a dark, sparkly spectacle.

Eventually, my squad of ghostly big sisters and I emerged from the forest, stepping into a breathtaking golden expanse. The entire area was adorned with tall grass resembling golden wheat, rolling hills, and trees with red-hued wood and fluffy golden leaves. A small river flowed through, its crystal-clear blue water adding a sparkly touch. With the sunrise, the whole land ahead was bathed in a mesmerizing golden glow.

I couldn't help but squint a bit; the golden spectacle was almost blinding.

Thankfully, Nove swooped in with an explanation of the new terrain. "Welcome to the Gilded Meadows," she said. "A magical land that's serene and offers excellent training materials for budding to adept metalweavers."

"You say that like there are levels to Metalweaving?" I chuckled.

"Yes, exactly," Nove confirmed, launching into her explanation. "There are levels. Having stat points between 1 and 15 in Metalweaving mastery categorizes someone as a beginner. Between 15 and 30 means adept, 30 to 45 is professional, 45 to 60 is Master, 60 to 75 is Grand Master, 75 to 90 is Professional Grand Master, and finally, 90 to 100 is Legendary."

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