i love you|daniel larusso

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i was sitting on my bed reading through teen magazines, it was getting dark outside. as i was reading, i hear a rustling sound near my bedroom window, then i hear a knock.

i bounce up from my bed to see what it was. i see my boyfriend, daniel larusso looking up at me through my window, i smile as soon as i noticed it was him.

"are you gonna let me in or what?" he said faintly through the window.

"go on through the back! i'll unlock it for you." i replied. i hopped up out of my bed and walked to the back and see daniel was waiting there for me to unlock it. i opened the door for him, he immediately welcomes with with a hug, his cold body against mine. we pulled back and i noticed that daniel has a few bruises on his face.

"hey what happened to you?" i held his face.

"nothing, it was just an accident." he pulled away hesitantly.

"no! you got into another fight with johnny again!" i scolded him.

"y/n don't worry about it." we walked off to my room.

"i am gonna worry because you're my boyfriend, and i don't want you fighting him anymore!"

we entered my room and shut my door gently.

"listen y/n i don't wanna home right now and i thought i could come here." he sat on my bed and glared at me upsettingly.

"and you didn't even consider my parents would be home?" i said jokingly. i sat right next to him, looking right into his eyes.

"well i didn't see your folks car in the driveway so.." he chuckled.

we both laid down on my bed and just stared at eachother. he looked very tired, i know he was going through a lot. i want him to make him comfortable.

"daniel, you can tell me anything, i'll listen to you."

he took a deep breath, and his hands wrapped around my body. he stared off the blank walls of my room before opening his mouth.

he started talking about his problems at school, home. his problems with johnny, mr. miyagi. and i just listened, i let him get all his feelings out.

after he was done talking, there was a small silence between the both of us.

"daniel, i'll always love you. and no matter what you go through, i'll be right by your side. you can always count on me." i slightly pulled away from his embrace and looked up at him.

"i love you too y/n, thank you for reassuring me. i needed this so bad." he pulled me back in.

we look at our soft faces, and we slowly move in closer. our lips brush together, kissing eachother softly, his hands start travelling around my body. my hands on his cheeks. we can't seem to let go of each other, like we're glued together.

we slowly pulled apart, staring eachother again. we wanna keep going and keep it going forever.

"y/n i need you." he said desperately.

"i need you too daniel, but what time is it?"

i looked at the alarm clock next to my bed, it was 11:30pm. that's when my parents get off of work. i immediately get off of the bed, daniel jumps off too, checking out my window to see if my parents arrived yet.

i walk him to the back door, looking behind me, making sure my parents don't come in.

he opens the door, but he turns and rushes in for one  more long kiss. my lips smashed again his.

"i love you, y/n." he smiles.

"i love you too daniel and don't ever forget that."

a/n: hope u enjoy 🫵

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