i looked at you | daniel larusso

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requested by JailynKeller

shimmering lights twinkled across the gymnasium of the school

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shimmering lights twinkled across the gymnasium of the school. it casted such a soft yet bright glow over the room. the roaring chatter and laughter from the students dressed in their best dresses and suits filled the gym.

in the midst of this, there was tealia. in her strapless, ruffled, blue-almost teal dress. the dress accentuating her waist before flaring out into a fuller skirt. pairing her dress with white pumps, and a pearl necklace. she sparked under the lights as she moved gracefully, alone and completely lost in the music.

daniel, standing right next to the refreshments with his group of friends, his eyes wandered around the gymnasium until they were drawn to tealia. to him, she stood out from the crowd, a sudden surge ran through him. almost like an adrenaline.

"hey, do you guys know that girl over there?" daniel interrupted his friend's conversation, he signaled to tealia using his cup to point at her. his friend exchanged a knowing looking and smirks

"oh yeah, i know her. that's tealia smith. she's in my spanish class." one of his friends pointed out.

"you should talk to her, she's dancing alone." he suggested, nudging him playfully.

daniel felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement as his friends continued to egg him on, teasing him into asking you to dance.

"alright, alright, i'll go over there." he took a deep breath, trying to steady his heart racing and began walking towards her.

he approached tealia, she noticed him and slowly paused her dancing, her warm eyes met his and daniel felt pass through him at the intensity of the gaze. he gathered his courage and smiled.

"hey you mind if i dance with you? i'm daniel" he said, his voice steady despite the knots in his stomach. "i looked at you from afar, i think you're a good dancer."

tealia smiled back. "thank you daniel, i'm tealia."

the music played softly in the background while the dimmed lights created a glow around them. tealia's hand rested lightly on daniel's shoulder, while his hand gently held her waist. her dress flowed slowly and gracefully as their steps naturally synchronized together.

"i think i've seen you before during school." tealias voice soft and melodic. her eyes were locked onto his.

"i think i saw you once, i remember thinking you were really beautiful." daniel smiled.

"i think you're kinda cute too." tealia let out a soft laugh. her fingers gently fumbled with the collar and buttons of his shirt. daniel smiled, feeling the intensity of her gaze.

their conversation flowed easily, the music faded into a slower and more intimate song. they swayed gently, their bodies moving as one.

as the night wore on, the crowded gymnasium seemed to fade away. after a while of dancing, tealia looked around at the nearly empty gym and her gaze went back to daniel.

"do you wanna go outside? so we can get a little fresh air?" tealia asked him with innocent and sweet eyes.

"yeah sure." daniel intertwined his hand with hers as tealia led them out the gym.

they stepped outside into the cool night air. the contrast was refreshing, the crisp breeze washed off the warmth from them.

they walked side by side. their hands still locked in with each others. their fingers slowly grazing each others skin. walking close together, continuing their conversation. daniel knew inside that you were something special, you made him feel something he'd never felt before with any other girl.

daniel detested living in california, he hated the school, the people. everything. and he thought nothing could change his mind. but looking into your glistening eyes, he felt a sense of belonging.

without a word, daniel leaned in. their faces only mere inches apart. his lips met hers in a deep kiss, a moment of pure love. tealia's eyes widened slightly, her breath catching in her throat. daniel's hand came up to cup her cheek.

the gentle pressure of his lips on hers created a gnawing sensation in her stomach. as the kiss deepened, it became more fervent, more urgent. tealia could melt right then and there, every brush of lips sent shivers down her spine.

daniel slowly pulled away from her lips, slowly savouring the taste of the kiss.

in the stillness of the night, they drowned in their gazes. looking at eachother lovingly. they shared a smile, their hands remained laced together.

a/n: i hope you enjoy this! also yall it was so hard finding a good gif😟 but anyways i will try my best to getting to everyone's request. thank you!😊

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